首页|期刊导航|Nano-Micro Letters|Moderate Fields, Maximum Potential: Achieving High Records with Temperature‑Stable Energy Storage in Lead‑Free BNT‑Based Ceramics

Moderate Fields, Maximum Potential: Achieving High Records with Temperature‑Stable Energy Storage in Lead‑Free BNT‑Based CeramicsOACSTPCDEI


The increasing awareness of environmental concerns has prompted a surge in the exploration of leadfree,high-power ceramic capacitors.Ongoing efforts to develop leadfree dielectric ceramics with exceptional energystorage performance(ESP)have predominantly relied on multicomponent composite strategies,often accomplished under ultrahigh electric fields.However,this approach poses challenges in insulation and system downsizing due to the necessary working voltage under such conditions.Despite extensive study,bulk ceramics of(Bi_(0.5)Na_(0.5))TiO_(3)(BNT),a prominent lead-free dielectric ceramic family,have seldom achieved a recoverable energy-storage(ES)density(Wrec)exceeding 7 J cm^(−3).This study introduces a novel approach to attain ceramic capacitors with high ESP under moderate electric fields by regulating permittivity based on a linear dielectric model,enhancing insulation quality,and engineering domain structures through chemical formula optimization.The incorporation of SrTiO_(3)(ST)into the BNT matrix is revealed to reduce the dielectric constant,while the addition of Bi(Mg_(2/3)Nb_(1/3))O_(3)(BMN)aids in maintaining polarization.Additionally,the study elucidates the methodology to achieve high ESP at moderate electric fields ranging from 300 to 500 kV cm^(−1).In our optimized composition,0.5(Bi_(0.5)Na_(0.4)K_(0.1))TiO_(3)–0.5(2/3ST-1/3BMN)(B-0.5SB)ceramics,we achieved a Wrec of 7.19 J cm^(−3) with an efficiency of 93.8%at 460 kV cm^(−1).Impressively,the B-0.5SB ceramics exhibit remarkable thermal stability between 30 and 140℃ under 365 kV cm^(−1),maintaining a Wrec exceeding 5 J cm^(−3).This study not only establishes the B-0.5SB ceramics as promising candidates for ES materials but also demonstrates the feasibility of optimizing ESP by modifying the dielectric constant under specific electric field conditions.Simultaneously,it provides valuable insights for the future design of ceramic capacitors with high ESP under constraints of limited electric field.

Wenjing Shi;Leiyang Zhang;Ruiyi Jing;Yunyao Huang;Fukang Chen;Vladimir Shur;Xiaoyong Wei;Gang Liu;Hongliang Du;Li Jin;

Electronic Materials Research Laboratory,Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education,School of Electronic Science and Engineering,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,People’s Republic of ChinaSchool of Materials and Energy,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,People’s Republic of ChinaSchool of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,Ural Federal University,Ekaterinburg 620000,RussiaMultifunctional Electronic Ceramics Laboratory,College of Engineering,Xi’an International University,Xi’an 710077,People’s Republic of China


BNTEnergy storageLead-freeRelaxor ferroelectricsCapacitors

《Nano-Micro Letters》 2024 (005)

P.184-200 / 17

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51761145024);the Key Research and Development Program of Shaanxi(Program No.2022KWZ-22);the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi(Program No.2023-JC-YB-441);the Youth Innovation Team of Shaanxi Universities,and the Fundamental Research Funds of Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Artificially-Structured Functional Materials and Devices(AFMD-KFJJ-21203);The research was made possible by Russian Science Foundation(Project No.23-42-00116);The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use“Modern nanotechnology”Ural Federal University(Reg.No.2968)which is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education RF(Project No.075-15-2021-677)was used.The SEM work was done at International Center for Dielectric Research(ICDR),Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an,China。

