

Automatic management method for energy efficiency of distribution network based on block chain



With the development of renewable energy and the spread of distributed generation,energy efficiency manage-ment on the power grid demand side will gradually shift from centralized optimal scheduling calculation to distributed compu-ting.The progress of Internet of things and block chain technology will provide the technical foundation for the distributed system of energy efficiency management system.In this paper,a multi-user distributed energy efficiency management system based on Internet of things smart meter and micro-grid is proposed,and the scheduling calculation of household appliances is carried out through the non-cooperative game theory model,which successfully achieves the goal of reducing the household electricity expenditure of users and the total micro-grid energy consumption cost of the whole community.Users can choose to purchase electricity among three kinds of household distributed energy,community micro-grid and public grid,and optimize their daily household appliance use strategies in the game,so that all users in the market can reduce the energy consumption cost to the minimum and achieve Nash equilibrium.On this basis,the model uses block chain technology to provide reliable,secure and private communication media between participants,so as to realize intelligent monitoring of household appliances of users and charge electricity consumption through smart contracts.The results of an example analysis show that this method can reduce the total energy consumption cost and the energy consumption cost of each user to the greatest extent.


国网河北省电力有限公司保定供电分公司,河北保定 071000国网河北省电力有限公司,石家庄 050021



energy efficiency managementblock chainschedulingdistribution automationnon-cooperative game theory

《电测与仪表》 2024 (003)

124-131 / 8


