Mass Transfer and Selectivity of Ammonia Recovery Using Membrane Contactor during Manure Treatment
对畜禽粪污好氧堆肥中产生的氨气与厌氧发酵后沼液中的氨氮进行回收,不仅可以减少污染物和温室气体的排放,达到减污降碳的目的,还能获得氮肥产品,增加粪污处理的经济性.针对现有氨气捕集过程中设备体积大和灵活性差等问题,提出了采用中空纤维膜来实现氨气捕集的目标.采用空气吹扫氨水溶液模拟了不同情形下的氨气浓度与空气流量,测试不同情形下氨气捕集的通量和回收率,分析影响氨气捕集的主要因素和传质特性.结果表明,氨气向膜内传质的阻力主要受气相传质阻力和膜的传质阻力影响,低空气流量下气相传质阻力占主导地位.提升空气流量至5 L/min时,气相传质阻力比0.5 L/min时下降53.6%,此时膜内传质阻力占主导.氨气捕集通量随进膜氨气浓度的增大而提升.在空气流量低于1 L/min下,氨氮回收率高于95%,0.5 L/min时的氨氮回收率高于99%.在氨气停留时间足够的条件下,氨氮回收率仅与酸液吸收容量相关.在温度差和浓度差的影响下,空气中的水蒸气会向膜内的吸收剂中传递.吸收剂中含质量分数26%的硫酸铵比仅含1%的硫铵溶液水回收通量高13.3倍,氨氮分离因子由41.6降低至3.06.酸液质量分数对氨气的传质无显著影响.文献对比表明典型状态下粪污处理中的氨气释放质量浓度与本研究中涉及的质量浓度区间基本一致,说明中空纤维膜捕集氨气具有较广的适用性.
Ammonia recovery from aerobic composting of livestock and poultry manure,or recovery from biogas slurry,can not only reduce pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions,but also obtain nitrogen fertilizer products.Aiming to use hollow fiber membrane absorption process for ammonia gas capture to solve the problems of large equipment volume and poor flexibility in the existing ammonia capture process,air stripping of diluted aqueous ammonia solution was used to prepare ammonia contained air.Then,the simulated ammonia contained air was flowed into hollow fiber membrane contactor,in which ammonia was captured by acid solution flowing in the tube side of the hollow fiber.By analyzing the total ammonium nitrogen concentration in the aqueous ammonia solution and acid solution,the ammonia mass transfer characteristics can be acquired.The results indicated that the mass transfer resistance of ammonia capture was mainly influenced by the gas phase mass transfer resistance and the membrane mass transfer resistance.The gas phase mass transfer resistance dominated at low air flow rates.However,when the air flow rate was increased to 5 L/min,the gas phase mass transfer resistance was decreased by 53.6%compared with that of 0.5 L/min,and the membrane mass transfer resistance dominants.The ammonia capture flux was increased with the elevation of ammonia concentration.Ammonia recovery ratio was above 95%at an air flow rate below 1 L/min,while it was increased to above 99%at air flow rate of 0.5 L/min.The ammonia recovery ratio was only related to the acid absorption capacity if sufficient ammonia retention time was provided.Under the dual influence of temperature and concentration differences,water vapor in the air would transfer into the membrane thus decreasing the product concentration.When the mass fraction of absorbent was 26%,the water transfer flux was 13.3 times higher than that of using 1%sulfuric acid solution.Besides,ammonia separation factor was decreased from 41.6 to 3.06.Acid concentration variation had no significant impact on the mass transfer of ammonia.Literature review showed that the ammonia release concentration in typical manure treatment was basically consistent with the concentration range.The hollow fiber membrane proposed had a wide applicability for capturing ammonia.
华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070
manure treatmentammoniamembrane absorptionhollow fiber membrane
《农业机械学报》 2024 (002)
338-345 / 8