


连接燃气源与灶具的软管是室内燃气爆炸事故现场中常见的一类物证,在事故调查中起到重要作用.该文以数起真实发生的室内燃气爆炸事故为案例,分析软管物证及痕证在事故调查及反演分析中的作用.结果表明,在某 2 起燃气爆炸事故案例中,通过分析软管形貌并测试软管特性参数,证实软管的玻璃化转变温度较高,现场温度远低于玻璃化转变温度导致的软管脆化开裂,是燃气泄漏的主要原因.在某起燃气爆炸火灾事故案例中,软管形貌完好无损,能够排除因软管连接的液化气罐泄漏导致的燃气爆炸事故.建立燃气爆炸事故中燃气软管痕证数据库,可向数据库内添加事故信息及软管图片信息,并检索数据库内已有信息.研究结果可为燃气爆炸事故调查及反演提供参考.

The hose connecting the gas source and the stove is a kind of common material evidence in the scene of indoor gas explosion accident,which plays an important role in the accident investigation.Taking several real indoor gas explosion accidents as cases,this paper analyzes the role of hose physical evidence and trace evidence in accident investigation and back analysis.The results show that in two cases of gas explosion,by analyzing the morphology of the hose and testing the characteristic parameters of the hose,it is confirmed that the glass transition temperature of the hose is higher,and the on-site temperature is much lower than the embrittlement cracking caused by the glass transition temperature.In a fire accident case of gas explosion,the appearance of the hose is intact and can eliminate the gas explosion accident caused by the leakage of the LPG tank connected by the hose.The database of gas hose trace certificate in gas explosion accident is established,accident information and hose picture information can be added to the database,and the existing information in the database can be retrieved.The research results can provide reference for the investigation and inversion of gas explosion accidents.


大连理工大学,辽宁 大连 116024大连市消防救援支队,辽宁 大连 116007



gasexplosionhosephysical evidencedatabase

《科技创新与应用》 2024 (009)

81-84,88 / 5


