

Effects of Catch Crops on Tobacco Growth and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Huanghuai Tobacco Area


为了解填闲作物对烤烟生长和温室气体排放的影响,本研究以潮土烟田为研究对象,在冬季休闲期分别种植光叶紫花苕(Vicia villosa var.glabrescens)、小黑麦(×Triticale Wittmack)和油菜(Brassica napus),地上部分饲用,残茬还田,分析各处理间填闲作物及烤烟生物学产量、土壤CO2 和N2O排放的差异.结果表明:(1)3种填闲作物处理烤烟总生物量和烟叶产量均显著高于对照,其中光叶紫花苕最高、油菜次之;(2)光叶紫花苕-烤烟、小黑麦-烤烟和油菜-烤烟土壤CO2 排放量分别略高于、显著高于和显著低于对照,土壤N2O排放量均显著低于对照,其中油菜-烤烟差异最大;(3)烟田土壤CO2 的全球增温潜势远大于N2O,光叶紫花苕、小黑麦和油菜处理土壤的全球增温潜势分别是对照的 106.1%、116.2%和 78.1%.综上所述,黄淮烟区潮土烟田油菜-烤烟种植模式既能提高烤烟收益又可降低烟田土壤的全球增温潜势,光叶紫花苕-烤烟在不显著提高烟田土壤全球增温潜势的同时可更大幅度提高烤烟收益,因此,可因地制宜发展油菜-烤烟或光叶紫花苕-烤烟等种植模式.

The experiment was carried out in fluvo-aquic soil tobacco field to investigate the effects of catch crops on tobacco growth,greenhouse gas emissions and global warming potentials in Huanghuai growing area.Catch crops including smooth vetch(Vicia villosa var.glabrescens),triticale(×Triticale Wittmack)and rapeseed(Brassica napus)were sown in the winter fallow period,with the shoots used as fed and the residues returned to field.Analysis was performed for the differences of tobacco yields and soil CO2 and N2O emissions among treatments.Results showed as the followings.(1)The total biomass and tobacco yields in all of the three catch crop treatments were significantly higher than in winter fallow control,among which the vetch treatment achieved the highest,and followed by the rapeseed and triticale treatments subsequently.(2)The CO2 emissions of the smooth vetch-flue-cured tobacco,triticale-flue-cured tobacco and rapeseed-flue-cured tobacco treatments exhibited slightly higher,significantly higher and lower than the winter fallow control,respectively.The N2O emissions of the three catch crops-flue-cured tobacco were all significantly lower,of which the largest difference occurred between the smooth vetch-flue-cured tobacco and control.(3)The global warming potential of CO2 from tobacco field displayed much higher than that of N2O,among which the treatments of smooth vetch,triticale and rape reached 106.1%,116.2%and 78.1%of the control respectively.In conclusion,the cropping mode of rapeseed-flue-cured tobacco can both improve the economic benefits of flue-cured tobacco,and reduce the soil global warming potential.The pattern of smooth vetch-flue-cured tobacco achieved the greatest flue-cured tobacco economic benefits without increasing soil global warming potential,thus the patterns of rapeseed or smooth vetch-flue-cured tobacco could be developed according to the local conditions.


河南省农业科学院烟草研究所,黄淮种植区烟草病虫害绿色保护与防治重点实验室,河南许昌 461100河南省烟草公司平顶山市公司,河南平顶山 467000



winter fallow tobacco fieldgreenhouse gasesCO2 emissionN2O emissionglobal warming potential

《中国烟草科学》 2024 (001)

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