

In Vitro Antagonism of Pseudomonas fluorescens YG-1 against Thielaviopsis basicola


为丰富烟草根黑腐病菌高效拮抗菌资源,从玉溪烟草种植区根际土壤中分离烟草根黑腐病高效拮抗菌,结合生理生化特性和 16S rDNA序列分析鉴定高效拮抗菌,测定菌株发酵液挥发性物质及发酵液粗提物对根黑腐病菌的拮抗活性.结果表明,筛选得到的 12株拮抗菌中YG-1表现出最强的拮抗活性,经生理生化特性和 16S rDNA序列分析鉴定为荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluroescens).菌株YG-1发酵液挥发性物质可有效抑制烟草根黑腐病菌的生长,使菌丝扭曲畸形,并且降低产孢量,经GC-TOF-MS测定,YG-1发酵液含有酸、醛、酯以及一些含硫化合物,其中酸类物质和含硫化合物抑菌效果强.菌株YG-1发酵液粗提物能破坏烟草根黑腐病菌孢子质膜,当粗提物质浓度为0.25 mg/mL时,孢子失膜率达55.42%,同时检测到有明显的离子和核酸渗漏.拮抗菌YG-1具备开发为生防菌剂的潜力.

In order to enrich the resources of highly efficient antagonistic microorganisms against Thielaviopsis basicola,highly efficient antagonistic strains were isolated from the inter-root soil of Yuxi tobacco planting areas,and were identified by combining physiological and biochemical characteristics and 16S rDNA sequence analysis,and the potential of antagonistic effects against Thielaviopsis basicola in vitro was assessed through the study of antagonistic activities in the fermentation broth of the bacterial strains.The results demonstrated that among the screened 12 antagonistic strains,YG-1 exhibited the strongest antagonistic activity.This strain was identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens based on its physiological,biochemical characteristics,and 16S rDNA sequencing results.Fermentation broth produced by strain YG-1 effectively inhibited the growth of Thielaviopsis basicola,leading to distorted and abnormal hyphal growth,as well as reduced sporulation.Acids,aldehydes,esters,and several sulfur-containing compounds were determined by GC-TOF-MS,and the effective fermentation broth inhibitory substances were revealed to be primarily acid compounds and sulfur-containing compounds.The fermentation filtrates of strain YG-1 contained inhibitory substances that disrupted the spore membrane of Thielaviopsis basicola.At a concentration of 0.25 mg/mL,the spore membrane rupture rate reached 55.42%,accompanied by noticeable leakage of ions and nucleic acids.The antagonistic potential of strain YG-1 highlights its value for the development of biocontrol agents against Thielaviopsis basicola.


云南农业大学资源与环境学院,昆明 650201云南省烟草公司玉溪市公司,云南玉溪 653100



Pseudomonas fluroescensThielaviopsis basicolain vitro antagonismtobaccobiological control

《中国烟草科学》 2024 (001)

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