

Design of Forage-livestock Balance Data Middleware Based on Node.js



The dynamic evolution visualization system of forage-livestock resources uses multi-dimensional information such as multi-source forage-livestock resources,natural conditions and social economy to realize the prediction and deduction of forage-livestock dynamic balance simulation under the constraints of typical disturbance scenarios.In order to solve the problem of data transmission and information interaction among the forage-livestock balance prediction and forecast system,the forage-livestock dynamic evolution visualization system and its map service system,we designed the system specific data middleware based on Node.js,which was used for the forecast system user operation monitoring,input parameter forwarding,deduction result release,visualization system control and data push functions.At the same time,because the front-end and back-end development languages of system are the same,the middleware realizes the high efficiency of system data transmission,low maintenance cost and lightweight of the system,which can provide a reference for the research and development of similar software.


中国科学院空天信息创新研究院 中国科学院定量遥感信息技术重点实验室,北京 100094


中间件轻量化Node.jsRESTful API

middlewarelightweightNode.jsRESTful API

《地理空间信息》 2024 (003)

83-86 / 4

