

Spatiotemporal evolution characteristics and influencing factors of urban ecological resilience in the Yellow River Basin



A scientific assessment of urban ecological resilience in China's Yellow River Basin is crucial for shaping the basin's high-quality development advantages and creating a resilient and livable environment.Based on the four-dimensional framework of"Pressure-State-Response-Innovation",this study constructs an urban eco-logical resilience evaluation system and investigates the temporal evolution,spatial distribution,and spatial differ-ence characteristics of urban ecological resilience in the Yellow River Basin from 2011 to 2020 using kernel den-sity estimation,Dagum Gini coefficient,and other methods.Moreover,it applies the spatial Durbin model to ana-lyze its influencing factors.The results showed that:(1)The urban ecological resilience in the Yellow River Basin was effectively improved,and the evolution process and polarization characteristics of the downstream,mid-stream,and upstream were different.(2)The spatial pattern of urban ecological resilience showed a"downstream-midstream-upstream",gradient decline,with obvious characteristics of spatial agglomeration and regional differ-entiation.(3)The overall and intraregional differences in urban ecological resilience fluctuated,and inter-regional differences were the main source of spatial differences,with an annual contribution rate of 65.44%.(4)Precipita-tion,economic development level,and public security construction positively impacted the improvement of urban ecological resilience in the Yellow River Basin,and the opening up level had a positive spillover effect.Infrastruc-ture construction and government intervention also showed a positive spillover effect in improving local urban ecological resilience,whereas the intensity of land development and the degree of environmental pollution would hinder the enhancement of urban ecological resilience.The degree of environmental pollution also had a negative spillover effect.In addition,significant differences were observed in the effects of the influencing factors in the downstream,midstream,and upstream of the Yellow River.


东北财经大学经济学院,辽宁 大连 116025兰州交通大学测绘与地理信息学院,甘肃 兰州 730070


urban ecological resiliencespatiotemporal evolutionspatial differenceinfluencing factorsthe Yellow River Basin

《干旱区地理》 2024 (003)


445-454 / 10


