

Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Spatial Robots Considering Dual Flexibility


以具有柔性关节和柔性构件的空间机器人作为研究对象,提出了一种双重柔性作用下的空间机器人动力学建模方法.首先,柔性关节简化为具有恒定刚度的线性扭转弹簧;其次,通过有限元法与浮动坐标系法相结合,描述含高阶模态信息的柔性空间构件位移场矢量.然后,将柔性关节和柔性空间构件简化为具有单向弹性约束的两个柔性构件和一个简支梁,再根据边界条件建立两者的约束方程.最后,根据协调矩阵建立含位移变化较小的末端执行器动力学模型.结果表明:新方法考虑了柔性关节和柔性空间构件之间的弹性影响,使得末端执行器运动轨迹在双重柔性变形抵消状态下,绝对变形量减小,轨迹精度提高.其中,z方向的偏差范围为 0~0.31 mm,x方向的偏差范围为 0~2.68 mm,y方向的偏差为 0~3.02 mm.因此,所提出的构建双重柔性空间机器人的动力学方法正确,可为下一步控制策略及振动性能分析提供精确模型.

A dynamic modeling method for spatial robots with dual flexibility is proposed,taking spatial robots with flexible joints and links as the research object.Firstly,the flexible joint is simplified as a linear torsion spring with constant stiffness;Secondly,the displacement field vector of flexible spatial links containing higher-order modal information is described by combining the finite element method with the floating coordinate system method.Then,the flexible joints and spatial links are simplified as two flexible links with unidirectional elastic constraints and a simply supported beam,and the system constraint equation is established by combining the boundary conditions.Finally,a dynamic model of the end effector with small displacement changes is established based on the coordination matrix.The results indicate that the new method takes into account the elastic influence between the flexible joint and the flexible spatial link,resulting in a decrease in absolute deformation and an improvement trajectory accuracy of the end effector in a dual flexible deformation cancellation state.Among them,the deviation range in the z direction is 0-0.31 mm,the deviation range in the x direction is 0-2.68 mm,and the deviation in the y direction is 0-3.02 mm.Therefore,the proposed dynamic modeling method for dual flexible spatial robots is correct and can provide accurate models for system control and vibration analysis.


天津财经大学珠江学院数据工程学院,天津 301811



end effectormultiple flexibilityspatial robotsdynamic analysis

《机械科学与技术》 2024 (003)

430-437 / 8


