

Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals Pollution in Fishing Ports Using an Integrated Biomarker Response Approach


渔港是近海污染物的重要汇集地之一,其中重金属污染尤为突出,但往往缺乏充分的环境监测数据和科学研究.本研究采集了广东和广西4个渔港的表层海水和翡翠贻贝(Pema viridis)样品,测定海水和贻贝软组织中的重金属(Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、As和Cr)含量,同时分析贻贝肝胰腺组织中超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(glutathione peroxidase,GPx)、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活力以及丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量等与抗氧化防御系统有关的生物标志物水平,并利用综合生物标志物响应(integrated biomarker response,IBR)指数法对不同渔港重金属污染水平进行综合评价.结果表明,海水和贻贝软组织中重金属含量均为较低水平,海水重金属综合污染指数(PI)由高至低依次为蛇口渔港>南漓渔港>达濠渔港>渔万渔港,处于自然本底状态.贻贝体内重金属综合污染指数(Pin)由高至低依次为渔万渔港>蛇口渔港>南漓渔港>达濠渔港,处于无污染水平.另外,蛇口渔港海水与贻贝组织中Cu浓度在4个渔港中均表现为最高.IBR指数评价结果表现为蛇口渔港>渔万渔港>达濠渔港>南满渔港,蛇口渔港的IBR值最高,这与海水重金属综合污染指数结果相一致.相关性分析表明,IBR指数与海水和贻贝体内重金属综合污染指数无显著相关性,但与海水和贻贝组织中Cu的浓度具有显著正相关性.综上,蛇口渔港重金属污染风险相对较高,渔港环境中Cu污染可能需要重点关注,IBR指数综合评价与化学分析相结合在渔港环境污染评价方面具有较好的应用价值.

Fishing ports play an essential role in fisheries development and supply chains,as all catches are landed through fishing ports to enter the seafood market.Frequent and intensive fishing activities inevitably affect the fishing port ecosystem by discharging sewage and waste oil from sources such as fishing vessels,leaching ship paint,and operating wharves.However,fishing ports are usually located in semi-enclosed seas,leading to the accumulation of land-based pollution in port environments.Fishing ports are known potential sinks for land-sourced pollutants,such as heavy metals,phthalates,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,and petroleum hydrocarbons.Currently,comprehensive research on the distribution and ecological risk of heavy metals in fishing ports is very limited.With no environmental and scientific data available for reference,it is difficult to formulate appropriate pollution control and prevention strategies for fishing ports.Environmental risk assessment in aquatic ecosystems typically uses biomarkers to detect interactions between potential hazards and biological systems.Next to knowing environmental contaminant levels in tissues and the environment,it is important to link to potentially deleterious effects at higher levels of biological organization,such as biochemistry,physiology,and overall health status.Biochemical reactions are frequently used as biomarkers in sentinel model species sampled from reference sites,for monitoring xenobiotic pollution in coastal areas.However,multiple biomarkers were too complex and could not directly reflect the toxic effects of pollutants on organisms,while the integrated biomarker response(IBR)index could overcome this and comprehensively evaluate the aquatic ecosystem health status. The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the overall pollution level and risks in fishing ports.Samples of green mussels(Perna viridis)and surface water were collected at 12 sampling points in four fishing ports located in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces,China.Six types of heavy metals were measured in the surface water and soft tissues of P.viridis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.Moreover,biomarkers of the antioxidant defense system,such as superoxide dismutase(SOD),glutathione peroxidase(GPx),catalase(CAT),and malondialdehyde(MDA),were analyzed in the hepatopancreas of P.viridis to calculate the IBR index.The results showed that the range of concentrations of Cu,Zn,Pb,Cd,As,and Cr in seawater was 1.13-2.37,6.67-33.43,0.14-0.32,0.03-0.32,1.09-1.73,and 0.80-1.20 μg/L,respectively,while in the soft tissues of P.viridis,it was 8.31-11.93,67.92-103.17,0.88-3.07,0.80-2.33,9.61-12.70,and 2.54-4.75 mg/kg,respectively.The mean concentrations of Cu,Zn,Pb,Cd,As,and Cr in each fishing port were lower than the fourth grade of the National Seawater Quality Standard(GB 3097-1997).The concentrations of heavy metals in the surface water and soft tissues of P.viridis were generally at a low level,the comprehensive pollution indices(PI)of heavy metals in the surface water of all four fishing ports were within the natural background range,and the comprehensive pollution indices(Pin)of heavy metals in the soft tissues of P.viridis were in the no pollution category.The PI of heavy metals in the surface water was Shekou Port>Nanwan Port>Dahao Port>Yuwan Port,while the Pin of heavy metals in the soft tissues of P.viridis was Yuwan Port>Shekou Port>Nanwan Port>Dahao Port.In addition,Cu concentrations in both the surface water and soft tissues of P.viridis from Shekou Port were the highest among those from the four fishing ports.Furthermore,there was no significant difference in MDA content or SOD,CAT,and GPx enzyme activities,in the hepatopancreas of P.viridis from the four fishing ports.The IBR index of P.viridis was 4.50 in Shekou Port,2.14 in Yuwan Port,1.91 in Dahao Port,and 1.50 in Nanwan Port,which showed a decreasing trend from Shekou Port>Yuwan Port>Dahao Port>Nanwan Port.The highest IBR index was identified at Shekou Port,which agreed with the profiles of the comprehensive pollution index of seawater.According to the correlation analysis,the IBR index showed no significant correlation with the comprehensive pollution index of seawater and marine mussels.It was noteworthy that the IBR index displayed significant positive correlations with Cu concentrations in seawater and mussel tissues,which indicated that Cu pollution may be an important factor to consider in pollution assessments of fishing ports. Overall,this study provides the first evidence of using the IBR index to evaluate the heavy metal pollution status of fishing ports.The pollution level and potential risk of heavy metals in Shekou Port were higher than those of the other three fishing ports.The IBR index coupled with chemical analysis is useful to assess the environmental pollution status of fishing ports for pollution source control and management policy formulation.


中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 农业农村部南海渔业资源环境科学观测实验站 广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室 广东 广州 510300||广东海洋大学水产学院 广东 湛江 524088中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 农业农村部南海渔业资源环境科学观测实验站 广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室 广东 广州 510300广东海洋大学水产学院 广东 湛江 524088



Fishing portHeavy metalsPerna viridisBiomarkerIntegrated biomarker response(IBR)index

《渔业科学进展》 2024 (002)

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