

Welding Path Planning Design and Simulation Analysis of Arc Welding Robot for V-shaped Groove


为解决弧焊机器人面向中厚板V形坡口的焊接变形难题,通过分析传统逐层逐道堆积焊接容易引起热量聚集而导致焊接变形的特性,采用V形截面投影轨迹、空间平行往复轨迹及空间轮廓偏置轨迹相结合的方法建立V形焊层,实现焊接过程热量的快速散发.同时,在建立各轨迹方程解析式的基础上,应用Simufact Welding和MATLAB仿真软件对比分析了空间平行往复轨迹和空间轮廓偏置轨迹与传统逐层逐道焊的优缺点.为了进一步验证可行性,采用FANUC工业机器人进行试验.仿真和试验结果表明:以零件y、z轴方向的变形量为依据,空间平行往复轨迹和空间轮廓偏置轨迹都优于传统的逐层逐道焊接方法,且后者更优于前者.但空间平行往复轨迹在轨道变换过程中机器人末端执行器的空间位姿调整相对简单、引入误差少、控制精度高,更适合于坡口较窄、长度较短的情况;而空间轮廓偏置轨迹更适用于坡口较宽,长度较长的情况.

In order to solve the welding deformation problem of the arc welding robot facing the V-shaped groove of the medium and thick plate,by analyzing the characteristics of traditional layer-by-layer stacking welding,which is easy to cause heat accumulation and leads to welding deformation,a combination of V-shaped cross-section projection trajectory,spatial parallel reciprocating trajectory(SPRT)and spatial contour offset trajectory(SCOT)are combined to establish V-shaped welding layer to achieve rapid heat dissipation during welding process.At the same time,on the basis of establishing the analytical expressions of the trajectory equations,the advantages and disadvantages of the SPRT and the SCOT and the traditional layer-by-pass welding are compared and analyzed by Simufact Welding and MATLAB simulation software.To further verify the feasibility,the FANUC industrial robot was used for experiments.The simulation and test results show that based on the deformation of the parts in the y and z axis directions,the SPRT and SCOT are better than the traditional layer-by-layer welding method,and the SCOT is better than the SPRT.However,in the SPRT,the spatial pose adjustment of the robot end effector is relatively simple,the introduction error is small,and the control precision is high during the orbit transformation process,which is more suitable for narrow and short V-grooves;and the SCOT is more suitable for the wider and longer V-grooves.


湖南科技大学机电工程学院,湖南湘潭 411100江南工业集团有限公司数控加工分厂,湖南湘潭 411207



V-shaped groovesspatial parallel reciprocal trajectoryspatial contour offset trajectoryweld stackingpath planning

《机械科学与技术》 2024 (003)

457-465 / 9


