

Review on Fine Mineral Flotation:Increasing Apparent Particle Size and Decreasing Bubble Diameter



Fine mineral flotation is a worldwide problem,and increasing the apparent particle diameter and reducing the bubble size are effective ways to solve it.In this paper,four methods of increasing the apparent particle diameter were reviewed:hydrophobic flocculation flotation,carrier flotation,selective flocculation flotation and shear flocculation flotation,and their application and mechanism in mineral processing were expounded in detail,especially the latest research progress and application fields of new reagents in the process of increasing the apparent particle size.From the perspective of reducing the bubble size,the stability mechanism of micro nano bubbles in the field of mineral processing was expounded,which provided a reference for its further research.The application of micro nano bubble in the flotation of different kinds of fine minerals is systematically introduced.Based on the mechanism of interfacial interaction between microbubbles and particles,the role of micro-nano bubbles in interfacial interaction was described in detail.Finally,the research progress of microbubble flotation equipment was introduced through cases.It was proposed that the mechanism of micro-bubble enhanced fine flotation needed to be further clarified,and micro-bubble flotation equipment based on precisely controlling of micro-bubble and pulp was an important research direction of micro-fine mineral flotation.


武汉理工大学 资源与环境工程学院,湖北 武汉 430070中南大学 资源加工与生物工程学院,湖南 长沙 410083



fine particlemicro-nano bubbleflotationflocculationflotation columninterface interaction

《矿产保护与利用》 2024 (001)

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