

SNP Detection of ARHGAP24 Gene and Correlation Analysis of Growth Traits in Xiangsu Hybrid Pigs(Sus scrofa)


RhoGTP酶激活蛋白24(Rho GTPase activating protein 24,ARHGAP24)基因与肌动蛋白重塑、细胞极性控制和细胞迁移密切相关,本研究旨在探究ARHGAP24基因多态性与香苏杂交猪(Sus scrofa)生长性状的关系,以便为后期继续研究香苏杂交猪分子选育工作提供理论参考.本研究采集164头相同饲养条件下的香苏杂交猪血液DNA,通过PCR扩增、测序,确定ARHGAP24基因SNP位点.利用SPSS 25.0软件中的一般线性模型对ARHGAP24基因SNP位点与香苏杂交猪生长性状进行关联分析.结果显示,在香苏杂交猪9个外显子中共检测出5个SNP位点,分别位于外显子1和外显子8.g.735024 A>G非同义突变导致mRNA上第455位缬氨酸变为天冬氨酸,对mRNA结构影响不明显,但导致蛋白质二级结构中α-螺旋以及无规则卷曲所占百分比上升,β-转角和延伸链降低;g.735242 A>C位点非同义突变后导致第528位缬氨酸变为丝氨酸,从而导致mRNA结构产生明显变化,而对蛋白质的二级结构影响则不明显,只是使各结构所占比例发生了轻微的波动.关联结果分析显示,g.735313 C>T位点对胸围有极显著影响(P<0.01),对腹围有显著影响(P<0.05).对5个SNPs位点进行连锁不平衡分析,共检测到5种单倍型,15种双倍型.香苏杂交猪ARHGAP24基因中g.735313 C>T位点与香苏杂交猪胸围和腹围均存在显著关联,呈中度多态且处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态,可作为后期香苏杂交猪遗传标记分子育种候选位点.

RhoGTPase activating protein 24(ARHGAP24)gene is closely related to actin remodeling,cell polarity control and cell migration,and this study aims to explore the relationship between ARHGAP24 gene polymorphisms and the growth traits of Xiangsu hybrid pigs Sus scrofa,so as to provide a reference for the molecular marker selection of Xiangsu hybrid pigs.In this study,the blood DNA of 164 Xiangsu hybrid pigs under the same feeding conditions was collected,and the SNP sites of ARHGAP24 genes were determined by PCR amplification and sequencing.The general linear model in SPSS 25.0 software was used to analyze the association between the SNP site of the ARHGAP24 gene and the growth traits of Xiangsu hybrid pigs.A total of 5 SNP sites were detected in 9 exons of Xiangsu hybrid pigs,located in exon 1 and exon 8,respectively.g.735024 A>G nonsynonymous mutations caused valine at position 455 to change to aspartic acid on mRNA,which had no obvious effect on the structure of mRNA,but leaded to the α-helix and irregular coil of the protein secondary structure,and the decrease of β-corner and extension chain.After the nonsynonymous mutation of the g.735242 A>C site,the 528th position valine changed to serine,which produced obvious changes in the mRNA structure,while the proportion of α-helix and extended chain in the secondary structure of the protein decreased slightly,and the proportion of β-turn angle and irregular curl increased slightly.The analysis of association results showed that the C>T locus of g.735313 had significant effect on chest circumference(P<0.01)and abdominal circumference(P<0.05).Linkage imbalance analysis of 5 SNPs sites detected 5 haplotypes and 15 doubles.The g.735313 C>T loci in the ARHGAP24 gene of Xiangsu hybrid pigs were significantly associated with the chest and abdominal circumference of Xiangsu hybrid pigs,and were moderately polymorphic and in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,which could be used as candidate sites for molecular breeding of genetic markers of Xiangsu hybrid pigs in the later stage.


贵州大学高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室/贵州省动物遗传育种与繁殖重点实验室/动物科学学院,贵阳 550025



Xiangsu hybrid pigRho GTPase activating protein 24(ARHGAP24)Growth characterCorrelation analysis

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (004)

833-842 / 10


