

Urban agriculture's role in urban-rural integration:Lessons from Republic of Korea



The effective development of urban agriculture is of great significance in promoting the interpenetration of urban and rural economic,social,and cultural factors,enhancing the degree of mutual integration between urban and rural areas,and ultimately building a modernized urban-rural structure.However,because the practice of urban agriculture in China is relatively short and in the primary stage,there are still some shortcomings in the system,capital,technology,and other aspects.Therefore,it is necessary to learn from the effective experience of urban agriculture in other countries in promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas so as to drive the integration of urban and rural areas in China.Based on field research in Republic of Korea,this paper combs through the development history and current situation of urban agriculture in Republic of Korea and analyzes and summarizes the current situation and problems of urban agriculture development in China,it provides a useful reference for building urban-rural integration with Chinese characteristics.The study finds that China should speed up the legal legislation on urban agriculture,strengthen the planning and guidance,expand the channels of urban agriculture experience and publicity,and deepen the concept of urban-rural integration.At the same time,the urban agriculture manager system should be set up to alleviate the pressure of the new generation of migrant workers,and the multiple functions of urban agriculture should be further expanded to promote the deep integration of urban and rural areas.In addition,it is necessary to improve the urban agriculture personnel training system and establish a mechanism for domestic and international technical cooperation.In addition,it is necessary to face the problems faced by urban agriculture in Republic of Korea,rationally plan and fully utilize unused vacant land in cities,and scientifically allocate limited resources to achieve a"dynamic balance"between supply and demand.In addition,the country's climatic resources should be fully utilized to promote the development of urban agriculture in accordance with local conditions,and preparations should be made in advance for the adaptation of urban dwellers to life in the countryside.

邹毓莹;全银华;AN Donghwan;IM Jeongbin

青岛农业大学外国语学院,山东 青岛 266109首尔大学农业生命科学院,韩国 首尔 08826



urban agriculturenew urban-rural relationsurban-rural integrationintegrated developmentRepublic of Korea

《农业现代化研究》 2024 (001)

10-19 / 10

2023年度青岛市社会科学规划研究项目(项目批号:QDSKL2301189). Qingdao Municipal Philosophy and Social Science Planning Research Project(QDSKL2301189).

