

The realistic dilemma and local innovative practice of the standardized management of rural homestead:A case study of 21 counties in Jiangxi Province


规范管理是宅基地制度改革的根本目标,也是促进乡村治理的内在需求,充分认识宅基地规范管理的现实困境,归纳总结地方创新实践,是构建宅基地规范管理体系的重要路径.基于江西省4 个国家"宅改"试点县和 17 个规范管理先行县的专题调研成果,运用系统归纳法,分析了宅基地规范管理存在的问题,梳理了地方实践经验,探讨了推进宅基地规范管理的有益启示.研究表明,当前宅基地规范管理面临着宅基地管理制度不够健全、集体所有权行使能力明显不足、协同管理机制运行不畅、实用性村庄规划管理滞后等问题.江西省从聚焦制度建设,强化制度供给;加强集体经济组织建设,完善集体所有权行使机制;探索协同管理模式,提升宅基地管理水平;科学编制村庄规划,优化宅基地建设布局四个方面进行了积极的创新实践,取得了显著成效.结合江西省创新实践可得出四点启示:1)要准确把握制度"脉搏",完善宅基地管理制度体系;2)回归"集体所有"本性,确保"收得回、分得出、用得好、管得住";3)构建协同管理机制,保障制度执行落实;4)做好村庄规划,形成宅基地规范管理空间格局.

Standardized management is the fundamental goal of rural homestead system reform,and it is also the inherent demand to promote rural governance.Based on the research results of 4 national pilot counties of housing system reform and 17 pilot counties of standardized management in Jiangxi Province,this paper analyzed the problems existing in the standardized management of rural homestead,summarized local practical experience,and discussed the beneficial enlightenment to promote the standardized management of rural homestead by the systematic induction method.This research finds that the current standardized management of rural homestead faces some challenges,including an insufficient homestead management system,a clear lack of collective ownership,a poorly functioning collaborative management mechanism,and a lag in practical village planning and management.Jiangxi Province has carried out positive innovation practices and achieved remarkable results in four areas,including focusing on system construction and intensifying system supply,strengthening the construction of collective economic organizations and the mechanism for exercising collective ownership,exploring collaborative management modes to enhance the homestead management level,and scientifically compiling village planning to upgrade the layout of homestead construction.Combined with the innovation practice of Jiangxi Province,this paper summarized four implications:1)accurately grasping the"pulse"of the homestead management system to improve it;2)returning to the nature of"collective ownership"to ensure that"it can be recovered,divided,used well,and managed";3)building a collaborative management mechanism to ensure the implementation of the system;4)improving village planning and forming a spatial pattern for the standardized management of homestead.


江西农业大学农村土地资源利用与保护研究中心,江西 南昌 330045



standardized management of homesteadhomestead system reformrealistic dilemmainnovative practiceJiangxi Province

《农业现代化研究》 2024 (001)

52-60 / 9

国家自然科学基金项目(72364017). National Natural Science Foundation of China(72364017).

