

Numerical simulation and experimental research on oil sludge co-firing in a 330 MW pulverized-coal boiler at low load condition


针对含油污泥的无害化处置问题,提出预处理后送入煤粉锅炉与煤粉耦合燃烧的技术路线,在330 MW机组四角切圆锅炉上做了改造,并进行了含油污泥的热重分析及含油污泥入炉后的数值模拟,开展了油污泥入炉低负荷稳燃试验.结果表明:含油污泥具有易着火且热值接近动力煤的特点,可提高锅炉低负荷稳燃能力;含油污泥入炉后火焰中心略微下移,排放的烟气NOx量有所降低;锅炉最低稳燃负荷率可低至 20.00%,对应燃烧器层炉膛温度上升30~50℃,煤粉燃烧器火检信号更稳定,飞灰含碳量从4.79%降至3.80%,证明了油污泥对低负荷工况下煤粉燃烧的促进作用;120 MW负荷下含油污泥入炉后,锅炉效率提高约0.23百分点,可降低供电煤耗率约0.7 g/(kW·h),含油污泥热值可替代标准煤约3.7 t/h,节能效果显著.

A method was proposed to solve the problem of oil sludge treatment environmentally by sending the pretreated oil sludge into a 330 MW pulverized coal boiler co-firing with coal.The combustion characteristics of the oil sludge were studied by thermogravimetric analysis,and it was proved to be easy to ignite with a high calorific value close to coal,which could improve the boiler's low-load stable combustion ability.Numerical simulation results showed that the combustion center shifted downward slightly after the oil sludge was sent into the boiler,while the NOx content decreased.The experimental results proved that the minimum stable combustion load rate can be 20.00%by the benefit of oil sludge co-firing.The temperature at the coal-burner layer increased by 30~50℃and the carbon content of the fly ash decreased from 4.79%to 3.80%.The fire detection analog signal of the coal burner was found to be more stable which validated the positive effect of the oil sludge co-firing at low load condition.The boiler efficiency increased by 0.23 percentage point which reduced the net coal consumption rate by 0.7 g/(kW·h).Moreover,about 3.7 t/h coal was saved at 120 MW load.The method was verified to have a significant energy-saving effect.


浙江浙能技术研究院有限公司,浙江 杭州 311121||浙江省火力发电高效节能与污染物控制技术研究重点实验室,浙江 杭州 311121浙江浙能电力股份有限公司台州发电厂,浙江 台州 318016浙江浙能电力股份有限公司台州发电厂,浙江 台州 318016浙江浙能电力股份有限公司台州发电厂,浙江 台州 318016中国计量大学能源工程研究所,浙江 杭州 310018


oil sludgeboilerco-firinglow load stable combustion

《热力发电》 2024 (3)


浙能集团科技项目资助(ZNKJ-2022-015)Scientific and Technological Projects of Zheneng Group(ZNKJ-2022-015)

