

Gender Equality in Employment in the Context of Digital Economy:Current Status,Challenges and Solutions


进入21 世纪以来,中国妇女发展水平全方位提升,经济活动参与权达到历史新高度.但不容忽视的是,我国职业性别隔离程度也不断加剧,阻碍女性晋升的"玻璃天花板"现象比比皆是,性别薪酬差距持续拉大,传统性别角色观依然在许多领域存在着潜移默化的影响.当下中国就业领域的性别平等依然任重道远,而数字化进程并未使上述问题得以自行缓解.数字经济发展对就业性别平等具有"双刃剑"作用,在数字化直接创造出大量适合女性就业创业岗位的同时,数字经济部门本身的职业性别隔离现象却日益严峻,两性之间的数字技能鸿沟不断深化,技术替代人力凸显了女性就业脆弱性,组织结构扁平化加固了"玻璃天花板",而且性别歧视甚至内隐于数字技术之中,成为一种自带歧视意味的数字秩序.总体而言,伴随着数字经济的发展,无论是行业间的横向性别隔离程度,还是行业内的纵向性别隔离程度,都呈现加剧趋势.在发展过程中涌现的新问题,仍须依靠"发展"本身来解决.从长远来看,在促进性别平等和向女性赋权方面,数字变革拥有无限潜能.未来仍须加快构建适应新时代要求的平等保护政策体系,完善促进就业性别平等的法律体系,营造性别平等的社会文化生态,大力发展性别平等化的数字教育,建立有助于平衡工作与家庭的公共服务体系,并紧抓数字机遇拓展女性就业空间,从而使数字科技真正成为赋能弱势群体、引领社会变革的根本动力.

Since the turn of the 21st century,the development level of Chinese women has been improved in an all-round way,and the right to participate in economic activities has reached a new height in history.However,it should not be ignored that the degree of occupational gender segregation in China is also increasing,and the"glass ceiling"phenomenon that hinders women's promotion is everywhere,the gender pay gap continues to widen,and the traditional view of gender roles still exerts a subtle influence in many fields.There is still a long way to go to achieve gender equality in the employment field in China,and the digitalization process has not alleviated the above problems by itself.The development of digital economy has a"double-edged sword"effect on gender equality in employment.While the digitalization directly creates a large number of employment and entrepreneurial positions suitable for women,the phenomenon of occupational gender segregation in the digital economy sector itself is becoming increasingly severe,and the digital-skill gap between the sexes is deepening.Technology replacement manpower highlights the vulnerability of women in employment,the flat organizational structure strengthens the"glass ceiling",and gender discrimination is even hidden in digital technology,becoming a digital order with its own discrimination.Overall,with the development of the digital economy,both horizontal gender segregation between industries and vertical gender segregation within industries have shown an increasing trend.New problems arising in the course of development must still be solved by"development"itself.In the long run,digital transformation has unlimited potential to advance gender equality and empower women.In the future,it is still necessary to accelerate the construction of a policy system of equal protection that meets the requirements of the new era,improve the legal system that promotes gender equality in employment,create a social and cultural ecology of gender equality,vigorously develop digital education with gender equality,establish a public service system that helps balance work and family,and seize digital opportunities to expand women's employment space,so that digital technology can truly become the fundamental driving force to empower vulnerable groups and lead social reform.


河南财经政法大学 工商管理学院,河南 郑州 450046



digital economyemploymentgender equalitysexismoccupational gender segregation

《人口与经济》 2024 (002)

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