

The Study on the Measurement of Scale of New Forms of Employment:Comprehensive Analysis Based on Household Surveys and Platform Big Data of a Certain City


新就业形态创造了大量就业岗位已成为社会共识,但其就业规模和占就业人口比例一直未得到系统回答,导致相关政策出台缺乏依据.本研究构建了依托住户端调查数据和平台端大数据两个数据维度的新就业形态从业者就业规模测度方法.在此基础上,以W市劳动力调查数据为基础,结合职业伤害保障制度数据,对该市新就业形态从业者比例和就业规模进行了测算.研究结果显示,在未修正前,2023 年上半年新就业形态从业者规模达 61.42 万人,占全市就业人口比例为 4.97%;使用职业伤害保障等数据修正后,该市新就业形态从业者规模为 100.38 万人,占全市就业人口比例为8.13%.2019-2023 年上半年,W市新就业形态从业者比例不断波动.2020 年初,受到新冠疫情影响,新就业形态就业比例出现快速下降.2023 年开始,新就业形态就业比例又重新开始上升.具体类别中,用车服务、物流服务、生活服务、网络直播、中介服务等新就业形态就业比例上升;而金融服务,商品交易,承接生产订单,知识、技能、娱乐、广告等线上服务新就业形态类别比例下降.本研究构建的依托住户端调查数据和平台端大数据相结合的测度方法避免了新就业形态就业规模的低估和高估.

The emergence of new forms of employment as a significant source of job creation has become a social consensus,but its employment scale and proportion within the labor market have not been systematically addressed,leading to the lack of evidence for policy formulation.This study develops a methodology to measure the scale of employment in new forms of employment,based on both household survey data and big data from platforms.On this basis,the study employs labor force survey data from City W,in conjunction with occupational injury insurance data,to calculates the proportion and scale of workers in new employment forms of employment in City W.The findings reveal that,before evision,the scale of workers in new forms of employment in the first half of 2023 reached 614200,accounting for 4.97%of the city's total employed population.After using data such as occupational injury insurance,the scale was revised to 1003800,accounting for 8.13%of the total employed population.From 2019 to the first half of 2023,the proportion of workers in new forms of employment in City W fluctuated continuously.In early 2020,due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,the proportion of new employment forms has declined repidly.Starting in 2023,the proportion began to rise again.Specifically,the proportion of new employment forms such as transportation services,logistics,lifestyle services,online streaming,and intermediary services increased,while those in financial services,goods trading,production order acceptance,and on-line service categories like"knowledge,skills,entertainment,and advertising"decreased.The measurement approach developed in this study,which combines household survey data with platform big data,avoids underestimation and overestimation of the scale of employment in new forms of employment.


首都经济贸易大学 劳动经济学院,北京 100070北京金隅程远房地产开发有限公司,北京 100096



new forms of employmentlabor force surveyemployment scale

《人口与经济》 2024 (002)

15-28 / 14


