

The Happiness Effect of Fertility:On Its Support for Low Fertility Rates


生育的幸福效应是理解低生育率社会中个体生育决策的一个重要维度.利用中国家庭追踪调查 2010-2018 年数据,考察孩子出生前后父母幸福感轨迹.研究发现,个人在主观幸福感方面对生育事件有积极的预期收益,主观幸福感在生育事件发生的当年达到顶峰,然后随着时间的推移逐渐下降.生育事件前后的主观幸福感轨迹表明,生育事件对个人的心理和生活感知有积极的促进作用,同时也证实了适应效应的存在.就业性质对生育的幸福效应具有调节作用,并且存在显著的性别差异,表明当父亲和母亲的工作允许他们有更多时间照顾孩子时,他们都会增加亲子互动和沟通并从中获得更高水平的幸福感.生育的这种幸福效应具有超经济性,并借助个人的生育决策筑成低生育率的底部.

The happiness effect of fertility is an important perspective for understanding individual reproductive decision-making in a low-fertility societies.This paper examined the trajectory of parental happiness before and after the birth of their children by using data of the China Family Panel Studies(2010-2018).The study found that individuals had positive expected gains from the birth event in terms of subjective well-being,which peaked in the year of the fertility event and then gradually declined over time.The trajectories of subjective well-being before and after the fertility event suggest that the fertility event positively contributes to individuals'psychological and life perceptions,which also confirms the existence of an adaptation effect.The nature of employment moderates the happiness effect of reproduction and there are significant gender differences,suggesting that both fathers and mothers increase parent-child interaction and communication and derive higher levels of well-being when their jobs allow them to spend more time caring for their children.This happiness effect of fertility is super-economic and builds up the bottom of low fertility rates through individual fertility decisions.


复旦大学 人口研究所,上海 200241中国移动通信集团有限公司 智慧家庭运营中心,浙江 杭州 311121



subjective well-beinghappiness effect of childbearingset-point theorymotherhood penaltyfatherhood penalty

《人口与经济》 2024 (002)

44-60 / 17

