

Vulnerability Analysis of Social Participation for the Elderly in Rural China:An Empirical Study Based on the CLASS 2020 Data


运用联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)所提出的"暴露水平—敏感性—适应能力"脆弱性分析框架,综合已有研究中老年人社会参与的相关影响因素,构建了中国农村老年人社会参与的脆弱性评价指标体系.在此基础上,利用 2020 年中国老年社会追踪调查数据识别出高、中、低三种社会参与脆弱性特征的农村老年人,使用Logistic回归模型揭示出不同特征农村老年人社会参与脆弱性类别的相关因素,并结合雷达图展现不同类型风险人群的脆弱性特征.研究发现,我国农村老年人口的社会参与脆弱性整体处于中低水平,仅有少部分老年人群的脆弱程度高且内部差异大;高龄、文化水平低、健康状况差、无配偶、所在村居没有老年活动场所或设施的农村老年人更容易在社会参与方面表现出高度的脆弱性.不同特征的农村老年人社会参与的脆弱性差异是由暴露水平、敏感性及适应能力三个维度共同作用导致的,其中高暴露性是识别农村老年人社会参与弱势人群的重要依据,而低适应能力则是农村老年人社会参与呈现出较高脆弱性的关键因素.未来应根据不同特征农村老年人的脆弱性类型及表现,从个体、家庭及社会不同层面为农村老年人提供更有针对性的支持,以降低高风险人群的脆弱性,防范中、低风险人群的脆弱性进一步上升,增强农村老年人社会参与的能力.

Based on the analysis framework of"exposure-sensitivity-adaptive capacity"by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC),this study systematically builds the vulnerability assessment index system of social participation of the elderly in rural China by integrating the relevant influencing factors of social participation of the elderly revealed in previous studies.On this basis,using the data of China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey(CLASS)conducted in 2020,this paper identifies three types of vulnerability in social participation for the rural elderly,named the high,medium,and low vulnerability respectively.Furthermore,this study employs the logistic regression model to analyze the correlative factors associated with the rural elderly featured by three vulnerability types and uses the radar map to demonstrate the vulnerability characteristics of different risk groups.The research results show that the vulnerability of social participation for the majority of the rural elderly maintains a low or medium level,and only a tiny fraction of the elderly show a high level of vulnerability in their social participation with high heterogeneity.In addition,those rural elderly characterized by the oldest-old,low education attainment,poor health,widow or widower,and living in communities with no public facilities and sites for the elderly show more risk in a state of high vulnerability in social participation.Moreover,the disparity in the different types of vulnerability in social participation for the rural elderly is due to the effect of three dimensions:exposure,sensitivity,and adaptive capacity.Among them,high exposure is an essential dimension to identify those vulnerable groups of the rural elderly in social participation.At the same time,the low adaptive ability is the critical factor causing high vulnerability of social participation of the rural elderly.In the future,according to the vulnerability types and manifestations of the rural elderly with different characteristics,more targeted support should be provided for the rural elderly from different aspects of individuals,families,and society to reduce the vulnerability of high-risk groups,prevent the further increase of vulnerability in medium-and low-risk groups and enhance the ability of the rural elderly to participate in social activities.


中国人民大学 人口与发展研究中心,北京 100872中国人民大学 社会与人口学院,北京 100872



the rural elderlysocial participationvulnerabilityexposure

《人口与经济》 2024 (002)

61-74 / 14


