

The Level,Difference and Influencing Factors of Health Literacy of Chinese Residents


健康素养是指个人获取和理解基本健康信息和服务,并运用这些信息和服务作出正确决策,以维护和促进自身健康的能力.健康素养水平的提高能够显著改善个人和社会群体的健康行为,从而有助于提升一国人口的整体健康水平.为测算我国居民健康素养水平,结合国内外健康素养的测评方法,从健康促进、疾病预防和医疗保健三个维度出发,创新性地设计了"北京大学中国居民健康素养网络调查问卷",并面向中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2020 年的受访者在全国范围内开展随机抽样与问卷调查.基于调查结果,对中国居民健康素养的总体水平和人群差异进行描述性分析,并在此基础上通过多元回归等统计方法考察不同维度健康素养的影响因素.结果显示,大多数中国居民具备一定的健康素养(71.41%),但具备较高健康素养水平的人群不足三成(25.07%).分维度看,疾病预防(25%)与医疗保健(21%)维度中具备较高健康素养的人群比例较低.分人群看,健康素养得分较低的人群主要包括男性人群、60 岁以下人群、受教育程度较低人群、自家农业生产经营人群与非农自雇雇主、农村与经济欠发达地区人群.研究结论表明,重视预防保健、关注文化程度较低人群的健康教育、关注劳动力人口的职业健康素养、推进欠发达地区的健康宣传对提升国民健康素养、实现健康中国战略具有重要意义.

Health literacy is the ability of individuals to access and understand basic health information and services,using them for the appropriate action to maintain and promote their own health.The improvement of health literacy can significantly improve the health behaviors of individuals and social groups,thus contributing to the overall health level of a country's population.In order to measure the level of Chinese residents'health literacy,this paper combines the assessment methods of health literacy at home and abroad,and starts from three dimensions:health promotion,disease prevention and medical care.We innovatively designed the Peking University Chinese Residents Health Literacy Network Questionnaire,and conducted a nationwide random sampling and questionnaire survey for the respondents of the China Family Panel Studies(CFPS)in 2020.Based on the survey results,this paper described the overall level and population differences of Chinese residents'health literacy,and on this basis,investigated the influencing factors of health literacy in different dimensions through statistical methods such as multiple regression.The survey data shows that most Chinese residents have a certain level of health literacy(71.41%),but less than 30%of them(25.07%)have a high level of health literacy.The proportion of people with high health literacy in disease prevention(25%)and medical care(21%)dimensions is relatively low in all three dimensions.Additionally,people with relatively low health literacy are generally males,under 60 years old,with lower education,self-employed,and from rural or less developed areas.The conclusion of this paper implies that paying attention to preventive health care,health education for people with low educational levels,the occupational health literacy of the labor force population,and promoting health publicity in underdeveloped areas are of great significance to improving national health literacy and realizing the Healthy China Strategy.


北京大学 经济学院,北京 100871



health literacyscale evaluationinfluencing factorshealth education

《人口与经济》 2024 (002)

124-139 / 16


