

Shared Ideas in the Path of Construction of International Order:An Analysis of the Differences in Views on International Order of China,the U.S.and Russia



Summary:Since the end of the Cold War,the international order has undergone major changes.Countries have different views on its evolution and trajectory,resulting in the emergence of different views of the inter-national order.The pathway to constructing the international order is far from singular.While the pursuit of power equilibrium undoubtedly holds sway,the influence of shared ideologies cannot be overlooked.Conse-quently,two distinct paths emerge.The one is driven by power dynamics while the other is determined by i-deological consensus.These paths are shaped by the interaction of specific cultural contexts and external en-vironments,ultimately leading to divergent views on the international order. Differences in views on international order are reflected in the interactions between global powers such as China,the United States and Russia.While the United States and Russia emphasize power balance,Chi-na champions the concept of a global community of shared future,being recognized as an ideology rooted in the collective interests of humanity.Based on this,China emphasizes the role of share ideas in the construc-tion of international order,provides innovative means for global governance,and avoids path dependence. Advocating a global community of shared future based on theory and practice involves not only promo-ting novel concepts,but also integrating them with existing commonalities,thereby promoting communication and synergy between Eastern and Western ideologies.Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy,China actively participates in global governance and actively implements initiatives of global development,security and civilization.Through practical implementation,a broader range of shared ideas can be obtained,thereby promoting the construction of a global community of shared future.


上海外国语大学,上海 201620



Shared IdeasInternational OrderSino-US-Russian InteractionA Global Community of Shared FutureInternational Political Sociology

《太平洋学报》 2024 (002)

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