

The Future of WTO:Constructing Plurilateral Agreements as an Effective Path to Revitalize the Multilateral Trade System


随着全球矛盾的加剧,世界贸易组织(WTO)各成员对统一规则的接受程度在分化,通过开放的诸边谈判达成更多共识,是中国等WTO成员为解决WTO谈判僵局所采取的创新举措.联合声明倡议(JSIs)以创新的方式使谈判功能现代化,使WTO 更具相关性和弹性,有助于恢复WTO在世界贸易中的中心地位.如果联合声明倡议采取开放式的诸边模式,则不违背WTO的多边基础,不违反《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》,在一般国际法上具有合法性.在无需对WTO规则进行修订的情况下,将联合声明倡议成果添加到WTO法律框架中的不同路径有:修改承诺表、纳入《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》附件 4"诸边协定"和制定软法.在当前的国际贸易环境下,提振多边主义的有效途径是通过诸边方式达成诸边协定,并使其逐步多边化直至适用于所有WTO成员.中国应把握好方向,制定好策略,对标联合声明倡议谈判成果,促进WTO谈判模式改革向着更加合理、有效的方向发展.

With the intensification of global conflicts,the members of the WTO have seen their divergence on acceptance of unified rules.Reaching more consensus through open plurilateral negotiations is an innova-tive measure taken by China and other WTO members to solve the impasse in the WTO negotiations.The mechanism of the Joint Statement Initiatives(JSIs)modernizes the negotiating function in innovative ways to make the WTO more relevant and resilient,helping to restore the WTO's centrality in world trade.If the JSIs adopts an open plurilateral model,it is compatible with the WTO's multilateral underpinnings,and has legitimacy in general international law,while it does not violate the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization(MA).There are three different ways in which the JSIs can be added to the WTO acquis without the need to carry out an amendment to the WTO rulebook.They are modification of schedules,incorporating plurilateral Agreements in Annex 4 to the MA,and development of soft law.In the current international trade environment,the effective path to revitalize multilateralism is to reach plurilateral agreements through plurilateral approach and gradually multilateralize them across a whole range of the WTO members.China should hold the direction,develop strategies,benchmark the outcome of the JSIs negotiations and promote the reform of the WTO negotiation model towards a more reasonable and effec-tive direction.


吉林大学,吉林 长春 130012



Joint Statement Initiativesplurilateral agreementsmultilateral trading systemWorld Trade Organizationsingle undertakingdecision-making

《太平洋学报》 2024 (002)

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