

Fault-controlling Distribution of the Guilaizhuang Gold Deposit in Luxi


鲁西地区位于华北克拉通中部,晚中生代受到强烈的克拉通破坏-金成矿作用影响,归来庄金矿是该区内产出最大的低温热液构造-隐爆角砾岩型金矿床.笔者对归来庄金矿主控矿断裂F1 的空间变化,从不同标高、不同勘探线统计其走向和倾向上控矿的规律、F1 断面产状变化规律、断裂-隐爆角砾岩体中角砾大小和形态的变化规律,对成矿期的构造应力场及其控矿作用展开剖析,查明了成矿期该断裂受左行张剪性应力作用,南部上盘向东下方滑落,北部下盘向西上方移动,具有陡倾面受张开启,缓倾面受压闭合的特点;沿F1 断裂的NE上方-SW下方,矿体和蚀变带由浅入深、由陡而缓,角砾粒径逐渐变大,金含量逐渐下降.

The Guilaizhuang gold deposit,located in the central of the North China Craton,is the largest gold deposit with low temperature hydrothermal structural-crypto explosive breccia type in this area,which was influ-enced strongly by Craton destruction and gold mineralization in Late Mesozoic.Based on the study of spatial of F1 which is the main control in Guilaizhuang gold deposit,we discussed the variation law of fault strike and ten-dency in different elevations and exploration lines,the regularity of F1 section of ore-controlling structure,the change rule of breccia size and morphology in cryptoexplosion breccia body.The tectonic stress field and its ore-controlling effect were analyzed,and it was concluded that the fault was subjected to left-lateral tensio-shear stress in metalorganic period.The southern hanging wall of the fault slides down to the east,while the northern footwall moves upward to the west.It has the characteristics that the steep dip plane opened by tension and the gentle inclined plane closed by compression.We found that along the fault F1 from NE toSW,the orebody and alteration zone became shallow to deep,the fault from steep to gentle,the grain size of breccia increased gradu-ally,and the gold content gradually decreased.


中国地质调查局呼和浩特自然资源综合调查中心,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010||中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院,北京 100083||中国地质大学(武汉),湖北 武汉 430074中国地质调查局呼和浩特自然资源综合调查中心,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院,北京 100083



Guilaizhuang gold depositfaultcryptonite brecciaore control lawLu'xi

《西北地质》 2024 (002)

146-158 / 13

