

Effects of Applying Selenium Endogenous Regulators on the Absorption of Selenium,Cadmium,and Arsenic by Rice


为探讨不同硒内源调控剂对水稻吸收硒(Se)、镉(Cd)、砷(As)及土壤中Se、Cd、As形态的影响,将多种复合调理剂添加到富硒土壤中开展盆栽试验.结果表明,施用 1%或 2%蒙脱复合调理剂(MT)均可获得水稻增Se降Cd的效果,2%添加量效果更佳;在高硒土(土壤Se含量 1.99 mg/kg)条件下,添加钙镁磷肥+磷矿粉+活性硅(GLG)可获得水稻Se过量减毒和同时降As的双重效果;在中硒土(土壤Se含量 0.83 mg/kg)条件下,添加钙镁磷肥+骨粉+活性硅(GGG),水稻的增Se降As效果最佳;而在低硒土壤(土壤Se含量 0.46~0.47 mg/kg)条件下,添加钙镁磷肥+生物炭+有机菌肥+活性硅(GTJG)和添加钙镁磷肥+石灰+活性硅的增Se降As效果较好.研究表明,施加适量Se内源调控剂可实现水稻增Se、降Cd和As,同时减毒的效果.

A pot experiment was conducted by adding multiple composite regulators to selenium-rich soil,in order to clarify the effects of different endogenous selenium regulators on the absorption of selenium(Se),cadmium(Cd),arsenic(As)by rice and the forms of Se,Cd,and As in soil.The results showed that,the application of 1%or 2%montmorillonite composite conditioner(MT)could achieve the effects of increasing selenium and reducing cadmium in rice,with a 2%addition rate having the best effect.Under the condition of high selenium soil(soil Se content of 1.99 mg/kg),applying calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer+phosphate rock powder+active silicon(GLG)could achieve dual effects of excessive Se reduction and simultaneous As reduction in rice.Under the condition of medium selenium soil(soil Se content of 0.83 mg/kg),adding calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer+bone powder+active silicon(GGG)had the best effect on increasing selenium and reducing arsenic in rice.However,under the condition of low selenium soil(soil Se content of 0.46-0.47 mg/kg),adding calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer+biochar+organic bacterial fertilizer+activated silicon(GTJG)and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer+lime+activated silicon had better effect.


广东省地质实验测试中心,广州 510080广西壮族自治区地质矿产测试研究中心,南宁 530023



riceselenium-rich soilendogenous selenium regulator amendmentsseleniumcadmiumarsenic

《中国稻米》 2024 (002)

18-25 / 8


