

Effects of Organic Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner Input on the Available Soil Heavy Metals Content and Cadmium Reduction in Rice


以春优 84 和中浙优 8 号为试验材料,在浙江衢州典型镉污染农田开展大田小区试验,研究有机肥与土壤调理剂施用对土壤酸碱度(pH)、土壤重金属元素(Cd、Fe、Mn、Zn等)有效态、水稻植株(稻草、籽粒)重金属元素积累量的影响,并探究了施用有机肥与土壤调理剂降低籽粒Cd积累的机理.结果表明,单施有机肥(1.5 t/hm2)对土壤金属元素有效态、稻草和籽粒重金属元素含量无显著影响;在有机肥(1.5 t/hm2)+土壤调理剂(2.7 t/hm2)联合施用处理后,土壤pH增加 9.48%,土壤重金属有效态含量和植株中重金属元素含量均呈下降趋势.其中,土壤有效态Cd含量降低 16.41%(DTPA提取)和 48.96%(CaCl2 提取),稻草和籽粒Cd含量分别降低 40.04%和 48.22%.逐步回归和通径分析表明,稻草Cd含量、土壤Cd有效态与籽粒Cd含量显著相关.由此可见,施用土壤调理剂通过提升土壤pH,从而降低土壤重金属元素有效态含量,其中有效态Cd含量下降尤为显著,以此调控水稻稻草和籽粒中的Cd积累.说明供试土壤调理剂可以在酸性土地区推广应用,具有提升酸性土壤pH、降低稻米Cd富集的效果.

A field experiment was conducted in typical cadmium polluted farmland in Quzhou,Zhejiang,with Chunyou 84 and Zhongzheyou 8 as experimental materials,to study the effects of organic fertilizer and soil conditioner on pH and available state of heavy metal elements(Cd,Fe,Mn,Zn,etc.)in soil,and accumulation of heavy metal elements in rice plants(straw,grains),and their mechanism of reducing grain Cd accumulation.The results showed that single application of organic fertilizer(1.5 t/hm2)had no significant effect on the effective state of heavy metal elements in soil and the content of heavy metal elements in rice straw and grains.However,under the combined application of organic fertilizer(1.5 t/hm2)and soil conditioner(2.7 t/hm2),the soil pH increased,but the available state of heavy metals in the soil and the content of heavy metals in rice plants showed a downward trend.The available Cd content in soil decreased by 16.41%(DTPA extraction)and 48.96%(CaCl2 extraction),while the Cd content in rice straw and grains decreased by 40.04%and 48.22%,respectively.Stepwise regression and path analysis showed that the Cd content in rice straw and Cd availability in soil were significantly correlated with Cd content in grains.It can be seen that the application of soil conditioners reduces the available content of heavy metal elements in soil by increasing soil pH,with a particularly significant decrease in available Cd content,thereby regulating the accumulation of Cd in rice straw and grains.Therefore,it indicates that the tested soil conditioner can be promoted and applied in acidic soil areas,with the effect of increasing the pH of acidic soil and reducing the enrichment of Cd in rice.


中国水稻研究所,杭州 310006常山县农业农村局,浙江常山 324200



riceorganic fertilizersoil conditionerheavy metalscadmiumavailability

《中国稻米》 2024 (002)

37-42 / 6


