

A study of the efficacy and safety of pitolisant in the treatment of Chinese patients with narcolepsy


目的 替洛利生在治疗成人发作性睡病的有效性和安全性已在国外的临床试验中得到证实,但目前没有在中国患者应用的数据,本研究旨在替洛利生治疗中国成人发作性睡病患者的有效性和安全性.方法 本研究共纳入30例受试者,采用个体化滴定给药8周,每日单次给药.采用Epworth嗜睡量表(ESS)和日均猝倒次数(DCR)作为主要疗效标准,临床总体印象严重程度量表(CGI-S)和临床总体印象病情变化量表(CGI-C)作为次要疗效指标,安全性指标包括不良事件(AE)记录和实验室检查.结果 结果显示用药后ESS评分和猝倒次数与基线期相比均有明显改善.至治疗结束时,ESS评分相较基线下降了(7.63±4.79)分(P<0.001).受试者基线日均猝倒次数为0.83次,接受替洛利生治疗3周和5周的日均猝倒频率为(0.39±0.82)和(0.38±0.79)相较于基线的下降是显著的(P<0.05).治疗结束后,日间过度思睡(EDS)的CGI-S评分中位数由基线时"严重"改善为"轻微"(P<0.001),猝倒的CGI-S评分由基线时"轻微"改善为基本"正常"(P<0.001).绝大多数AE均为轻度且未采取任何药物治疗,其他用于监测受试者一般情况的化验指标在治疗前后也没有统计学差异.结论 替洛利生治疗中国成人发作性睡病的日间过度思睡和猝倒具有较好的有效性和安全性.

Objective The efficacy and safety of pitolisant in the treatment of adult narcolepsy have been con-firmed in clinical trials abroad,but there is a lack of data on the application of pitolisant in Chinese patients.The aim of this study is to investigate the efficacy and safety of pitolisant in the treatment of adult narcolepsy in China.Methods A to-tal of 30 subjects were enrolled in this study and were given individualized titration once a day for 8 weeks.Epworth Som-nolence Scale(EES)and daily cataplexy rate(DCR)were used as the primary outcome measures,and Clinical Global Impression-Severity scale(CGI-S)and Clinical Global Impression of Change Scale(CGI-C)were used as the secondary outcome measures;safety indicators included adverse event(AE)records and laboratory examination.Results The results showed that there were significant improvements in ESS score and number of cataplexy attacks after medication.At the end of treatment,ESS score was reduced by(7.63±4.79)(P<0.001).For all subjects,the average daily number of cataplexy attacks was 0.83 at baseline,which was reduced significantly to(0.39±0.82)after 3 weeks of pitolisant treatment and(0.38±0.79)after 5 weeks of pitolisant treatment(P<0.05).After the treatment ended,the median CGI-S score of exces-sive daytime sleepiness(EDS)improved from"severe"at baseline to"mild"(P<0.001),and the CGI-S score of cataplexy improved from"mild"at baseline to"basically normal"(P<0.001).Most AEs were mild and did not receive any drug treat-ment,and there were no significant changes in other laboratory markers used to monitor the general condition of the sub-jects before and after treatment.Conclusion Pitolisant has good efficacy and safety in the treatment of EDS and cata-plexy in Chinese adults with narcolepsy.


首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053海南省人民医院,海南 海口 570311



PitolisantNarcolepsyHistamineExcessive daytime sleepinessCataplexy

《中风与神经疾病杂志》 2024 (003)

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