

The Advance of Diagnostic Techniques on Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex


牛呼吸道疾病综合征(Bovine respiratory disease complex,BRDC),又称为"运输热"(Shipping fever),是由多种细菌、病毒和应激因素相互作用引起的牛肺炎、支气管炎等呼吸道疾病的通称,高发于犊牛.BRDC分布广泛,给全球养牛业造成了巨大的经济损失.随着中国养牛业的发展,牛呼吸道疾病综合征在中国各地奶牛场和肉牛场相继被确诊,严重威胁中国养牛业的健康发展.该病病因复杂,防治难度大,快速准确的诊断对该病的防控具有重要意义.本研究综述了BRDC的诊断技术,为该病的临床防控和深入研究提供参考.

Bovine respiratory disease complex(BRDC),also known as"Shipping fever",is a generic term for respiratory system diseases,which includes pneumonia and bronchitis,caused by many kinds of bacteria,viruses and diverse physiological stresses,and occurs at high frequency among calves.BRDC is widely distributed around the world,causing huge economic losses to the global cattle farming industry.With the development of cattle industry in China,BRDC has been diagnosed at beef cattle farms and dairy farms in many provinces,and severely impeded the healthy development of cattle industry in China.Because of complex etiology and difficulty in treatment,it is crucial to develop accurate and fast diagnostic method for the prevention and control of BRDC.This review summarized research achievement about diagnostic techniques of BRDC for decades to provide reference for the prevention,control and in-depth research of this disease.


黔东南民族职业技术学院,贵州凯里 556000||贵州省雷山县丹江镇农业综合服务中心,贵州雷山 557100黔东南民族职业技术学院,贵州凯里 556000黄平野洞河袁氏生态循环种养殖有限责任公司,贵州黄平 556100



bovine respiratory disease complex(BRDC)pneumoniabronchitiscattlediagnostic techniques

《农学学报》 2024 (003)

73-80 / 8

