首页|期刊导航|中国标准化|T/CI 150-2023《高强度栓接结构圆弧螺纹连接副》团体标准解读

T/CI 150-2023《高强度栓接结构圆弧螺纹连接副》团体标准解读OACHSSCD

Interpretation of Association Standard T/CI 150-2023,High-strength bolted knuckle thread assemblies


紧固件领域圆弧螺纹连接副产品标准T/CI 150-2023《高强度栓接结构圆弧螺纹连接副》于2023年9月28日正式发布与实施,规定了高强度栓接结构圆弧螺纹连接副的型式、尺寸、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则等内容,为高强度栓接结构圆弧螺纹连接副的设计、制造及检验提供依据.本文介绍了该团体标准的编制背景、标准的主要内容和编制依据,并指出了实施该标准的意义及效果,旨在促使相关方更好地理解该标准内容及使用该标准,并推动该标准广泛应用.

T/CI 150-2023,High-strength bolted knuckle thread assemblies,the product standard for knuckle thread assemblies in the field of fasteners,was officially released and implemented on September 28,2023,which stipulates the types,dimensions,technical requirements,test methods,inspection rules and other contents of high-strength bolted knuckle thread assemblies,providing a basis for the design,manufacture and inspection of high-strength bolted knuckle thread assemblies.This paper introduces the development background,main contents and basis of the association standard,and points out the significance and effect of implementing the standard,aiming at promoting the relevant parties to better understand the content and use the standard,and promoting its wide application.




fastenersknuckle threadassemblieshigh strengthassociation standard

《中国标准化》 2024 (007)

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