

Effect on Rice Growth and Yield Increase:Seed Soaking with Iron Chlorin Soluble Powder



To explore the effect of 0.02%chlorin iron SP on rice growth and yield after seed soaking and its dosage,the'Nanjing 9108'was used as experimental variety.Rice seeds were soaked in 0.02%chlorin iron SP at different concentrations.0.0016%,28(s)-homobrassinolide AS and 0.136%gibberellic acid·indoleacetic acid·brassinolide SP were used as control agents,and the seeds with water immersion as blank control.The rice growth status was investigated at seedling stage,tillering stage and maturity stage,respectively,and the yields were measured at harvest stage.The results showed as follows:seed soaking with 0.02%chlorin iron did not affect the germination of rice,but the emergence rate of rice decreased with the increase of chlorin iron concentration.Seed soaking with 0.02%chlorin iron increased the fresh weight,root number and tillering percentage of rice seedling.When 0.02%chlorin iron was diluted 15000-10000 times,it could increase the panicle length,the number of solid grains and improve the rice yield.Therefore,seed soaking with 0.02%chlorin iron 15000-10000 times solution can promote rice growth,improve rice yield.The demonstration application can be expanded in rice production.


江苏丘陵地区镇江农业科学研究所,江苏句容 212400镇江市丹徒区丰产农机专业合作社,江苏镇江 212125江苏省农业科学院,南京 212300江苏省植物保护植物检疫站,南京 212242



iron chlorinrice growthyieldseed soakingsafety

《农学学报》 2024 (003)

34-39 / 6

