

Analysis of Fruit Expansion Pattern and Soluble Solid Content of Different Batches of'Cuimi'Kumquat



Fruit expansion rule and dynamic change of soluble solid content of different batches of'Cuimi'kumquat was studied.'Cuimi'kumquat in Rong'an County of Guangxi was used as the experimental material.The transverse diameter and longitudinal diameter of the fruit were measured during the expansion period of different batches of fruits,and the soluble solids content of the fruit was measured at the maturity stage.The results showed that in the fruit enlargement stage of'Cuimi'kumquat,the first and second batches of fruits were easy to form large fruits,and the third batch of fruits was smaller.In the early stage of fruit ripening,the soluble solids content of the second batch of fruit was the highest,and in the middle and late stages,the soluble solids content of the third batch of fruit was the highest.The results showed that the first and second batches of fruits expanded early,lasted for a long time to form large fruits,and the soluble solid content was also high,and the market price was high.Therefore,corresponding measures should be taken to preserve the first and second batches of fruits in production,so as to improve the yield and increase the benefit.


柳州市农业气象试验站,广西柳州 545003||柳州市气象局,广西柳州 545001来宾市园林管理中心,广西来宾 546100融安县气象局,广西融安 545400广西科技大学,广西柳州 545005



'Cuimi'kumquatdifferent batchesfruit swellingsoluble solidsdynamic change

《农学学报》 2024 (003)

63-67 / 5

