

Construction of blood quality monitoring indicator system in blood banks of Shandong


目的 构建山东省血站血液质量监测指标体系,以期持续提升血液质量和标准化管理.方法 通过文献、标准等检索,结合采供血实际工作,以采供血业务过程关键控制点为导向,拟定血液质量监测指标体系.经 2 轮德尔菲法专家征询和论证,运用主观加权和层次分析法分析各指标权重,又经 6 个月的试行,完成对指标内容的修订和完善.结果 构建了覆盖采供血全过程的血液质量监测指标体系,包括一级指标 5 项,分别为献血服务、成分制备、血液检测、血液供应和质量控制;二级指标 72 项,包含指标含义、计算公式等.2 轮专家征询意见和 2 轮论证会议,修订指标 17 项,并通过主观加权和层次分析法获得指标权重,经试行的局部微调,形成了血液质量监测指标体系.结论 首次构建覆盖采供血业务全过程的血液质量监测指标体系,可有效评价血站质量管理水平,为打造山东省血液质量管理"一盘棋"发展模式、提升标准化管理水平奠定基础.

Objective To establish a blood quality monitoring indicator system,in order to continuously improve blood quality and standardized management.Methods Based on the research of literature and standards,and guided by the key control points of blood collection and supply process,the blood quality monitoring indicator system was developed.Through two rounds of Delphi expert consultation,the indicator content was further revised and improved according to expert opinions after six months of trial implementation.The indicator weight was calculated by questionnaire and analytic hierarchy process.Results A blood quality monitoring indicator system covering the whole process of blood collection and supply was con-structed,including five primary indicators,namely blood donation service,blood component preparation,blood testing,blood supply and quality control,as well as 72 secondary indicators,including definitions,calculation formulas,etc.Two rounds of expert consultation and two rounds of feasibility study meeting were held to revise 17 items and the weight of each indicator was obtained through the analytic hierarchy process.After partial adjustments,a blood quality monitoring indicator system was formed.Conclusion A blood quality monitoring indicator system covering the whole process of blood collection and supply has been established for the first time,which can effectively evaluate the quality management level of blood banks and coordinate blood quality control activities of blood banks in Shandong like pieces in a chess game,thus improving the standardized management level


山东省血液中心,山东济南 250014滨州市中心血站菏泽市中心血站日照市中心血站潍坊市中心血站青岛市中心血站烟台市中心血站淄博市中心血站东营市中心血站威海市中心血站



blood bankblood collection and supplyquality monitoring indicator system

《中国输血杂志》 2024 (003)

249-257 / 9


