首页|期刊导航|智能城市|不同地形条件下ASTER GDEM高程精度分析

不同地形条件下ASTER GDEM高程精度分析OA

Analysis of ASTER GDEM elevation accuracy under different terrain conditions


文章以1∶2 000比例尺地形图高程点数据为高程参考真值,以中国典型高海拔山区和低海拔平原地区为研究区域,分析ASTER GDEM模型的高程精度.ASTER GDEM模型误差整体呈现正态分布,模型高程值和参考高程值强相关;高海拔地区ASTER GDEM模型高程平均误差为-4.1 m,均方根误差为13.7 m,与标称精度基本一;低海拔地区模型高程平均误差为2.7 m,均方根误差为5.4 m,远高于标称精度;模型在不同海拔区间的平均误差无明显趋势,标准差整体随海拔的升高而增大;地形起伏越大,模型误差越大.

In this paper,the elevation point data of the 1∶2 000 scale topographic map is used as the elevation reference truth,and the elevation accuracy of the ASTER GDEM model is analyzed by taking the typical high-altitude mountainous areas and low-altitude plains in China as the study area.The error of the ASTER GDEM model is normally distributed as a whole,and the model elevation value is strongly correlated with the reference elevation value.The average elevation error of the ASTER GDEM model in high altitude area is-4.1 m,and the root mean square error is 13.7 m,which is basically the same as the nominal accuracy.The average elevation error of the model in low altitude areas is 2.7 m,and the root mean square error is 5.4 m,which is much higher than the nominal accuracy.There is no obvious trend in the average error of the model at different altitudes,and the standard deviation increases with the increase of altitude.The greater the terrain undulation,the greater the model error.


中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司,湖北 武汉 430063


数字高程模型ASTER GDEM模型高程精度

digital elevation modelASTER GDEM modelelevation accuracy

《智能城市》 2024 (002)

30-33 / 4

