

Effects of Different Planting and Harvesting Periods on Flavor and Quality of Stropharia rugosoannulata


为探究不同种植和采收时期对大球盖菇风味和品质的影响,于 2018 年在湖南省湘潭市农业科学研究所基地设置3 个不同种植和采收时期处理(T1:10 月18 日种植,次年3 月第一批采收;T2:10 月18 日种植,次年3 月第一批采收后再次出菇,4 月第二批采收;T3:11 月24 日种植,次年5 月第一批采收),对不同处理大球盖菇生长期农艺性状指标、多糖和总三萜含量以及挥发性风味物质相对含量进行比较分析.结果表明:T1 处理的大球盖菇农艺性状及活性成分含量均较高,其次是T2 处理;成熟期和开伞期的农艺性状及活性成分含量较高,成长期和成熟期所含挥发性成分种类和含量均较高.综合分析,10 月中下旬种植并在次年第一批成熟期采收的大球盖菇风味和品质最佳.

In order to explore the effects of different planting and harvest periods on the flavor and quality of Stropharia ru-gosoannulata,three different planting and harvest period treatments were set up in the base of Xiangtan Institute of Agricul-tural Sciences in Hunan Province in 2018(T1:planted on October 18th and harvested in the first batch in March of the following year;T2:planted on October 18,and mushroom again after the first harvest in March of the following year,and the second harvest in April;T3:planted on November 24 and the first harvest in May of the following year).The agronomic characters,contents of polysaccharides,total triterpenes and the relative contents of volatile flavor compounds in the growing period of Stropharia rugosoannulata were compared and analyzed.The results showed that the contents of agronomic charac-ters and active components of Stropharia rugosoannulata in T1 treatment were better,followed by T2 treatment,and the con-tents of agronomic characters and active components in mature stage and umbrella opening stage were better,and the cate-gory and content of volatile components in growing stage and mature stage were higher.According to the comprehensive analysis,the flavor and quality of Pleurotus ostreatus planted in the middle and late ten days of October and harvested in the first mature period of the following year were the best.


湖南农业大学园艺学院,湖南 长沙 410128西藏农牧学院高原生态研究所,西藏 林芝 860000长沙市中心医院,湖南 长沙 410008



Stropharia rugosoannulataplanting periodsharvesting periodsquality

《作物研究》 2024 (001)

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