

Effect of Silver Black Film Mulching and Unmulching Time on Soil Temperature and Humidity and Tobacco Leaf Quality


为了探明银黑膜覆盖与揭膜时间对烤烟生长的影响,为长沙烟区烤烟生产提供科学依据,于 2021 年在长沙烟区开展大田试验,设置移栽前 30d盖银黑膜+移栽后 40d揭膜培土(T1)、移栽后 60d揭膜(T2)、不揭膜(T3),移栽前 7d盖银黑膜+移栽后 40d揭膜培土(T4)、移栽后 60d揭膜(T5)、不揭膜(T6)及不覆盖银黑膜(CK)共 7 个处理,探究不同银黑膜覆盖与揭膜时间处理对土壤温、湿度和烤烟生长及经济效益的影响.结果表明:T3 与T6 处理土壤的温度、相对湿度、烤烟根系生长和干物质积累在整个生育期内都显著高于CK处理,烟叶产量分别较CK提高 23.13%和 23.49%,产值分别提高 26.09%和 26.93%,但移栽前 30d盖膜和移栽前 7d盖膜在烤烟生长及经济效益等方面无显著差异.长沙烟区银黑膜覆盖能够有效保持土壤温度和相对湿度,促进烤烟根系发育和干物质积累,提高下部叶总糖和还原糖含量,显著提高烤烟产量和产值,且揭膜时间越晚的处理增产提质效果越好.

In order to explore the effect of silver-black film mulching and uncovering time on flue-cured tobacco produc-tion,and to provide scientific basis for flue-cured tobacco production in Changsha tobacco area,a field experiment was ca-rried out in Changsha tobacco area in 2021.Seven treatments of cover silver black film 30 days before transplanting+un-cover film 40 days after transplanting(T1),60 days after transplanting(T2),do not uncover plastic film(T3),and silver-black film mulching 7 days before transplanting,plus uncover film 40 days after transplanting(T4),60 days after trans-planting(T5),non-mulching film(T6)and non-mulching silver-black film(CK)were used to explore the effects of different silver-black film mulching and uncovering time on soil temperature and humidity,growth and economic benefit of flue-cured tobacco.The results showed that the soil temperature,relative humidity,root growth and dry matter accumulation of flue-cured tobacco treated with T3 and T6 were significantly higher than those of CK during the whole growth period,the yield of tobacco leaves increased by 23.13%and 23.49%respectively compared with CK,and the output value increased by 26.09%and 26.93%,respectively,but there was no significant difference in the growth and economic benefits of flue-cured tobacco 30 days before transplanting and 7 days before transplanting.Silver-black film mulching in Changsha toba-cco area can effectively maintain soil temperature and relative humidity,promote root development and dry matter accumu-lation of flue-cured tobacco,increase the content of total sugar and reducing sugar in lower leaves,and significantly in-crease the yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco.and the later the film is opened,the better the effect of yield and quality improvement.


湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南中烟工业有限责任公司,湖南 长沙 410019湖南省烟草公司长沙市公司,湖南 长沙 410007



flue-cured tobaccocultivationfilm mulchingsoil temperaturerelative humidityquality

《作物研究》 2024 (001)

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