

Selection Experiment of Hybrid Rice Varieties in Changsha County


为筛选出适合长沙县气候条件的高产杂交中稻品种,以臻两优 5438、宸两优 665、青香优 261 等 15 个中稻品种和Y两优1 号(对照品种)为试验材料,2023 年在长沙县春华镇龙王庙村开展品种筛选试验.结果表明:参试品种中有 4 个品种表现优异,与Y两优 1 号(CK)比较,其产量增幅均大于 5%,其中珂两优 1019 产量最高,达10 561.5 kg/hm2,比CK增产 16.7%,其全生育期 130 d;玮两优 7713 产量位居第 2,为 10 522.5 kg/hm2,其全生育期128 d;两优5077 产量排第3,为9 882.0 kg/hm2;卓两优1126 产量位居第4,为9 534.0 kg/hm2.综合生育期、产量、主要农艺性状和抗性等指标,珂两优 1019、玮两优 7713、两优 5077 和卓两优 1126 适宜在长沙县推广种植.

In order to select high-yielding middle hybrid rice varieties suitable for climatic conditions in Changsha County,15 medium rice varieties such as Zhenliangyou 5438,Chen liangyou 5438,Qingxiangyou 261 and Y Liangyou No.1(con-trol variety)were used as experimental materials.The variety screening experiment was carried out in Longwangmiao Vi-llage,Chunhua Town,Changsha County.The results showed that four of the tested varieties performed well,and their yields increased by more than 5%compared with Y Liangyou 1(CK).Among them,Keliangyou 1019 had the highest yield,up to 10 561.5 kg/hm2,which was 16.7%higher than CK,and its whole growth period was 130 d.Weiliangyou 7713 ranked second with 10 522.5 kg/hm2 and its whole growth period was 128 d,and Liangyou 5077 ranked third with 9 882.0 kg/hm2.The yield of Zhuoliangyou 1126 is the fourth,which is 9 534.0 kg/hm2.According to the indexes of growth period,yield,main agronomic characters and resistance,Keliangyou 1019,Weiliangyou 7713,Liangyou 5077 and Zhuoliangyou 1126 are suitable to be popularized and planted in Changsha County.


长沙县春华镇人民政府,湖南 长沙 410139长沙县农业农村局,湖南 长沙 410100长沙市农业技术推广中心,湖南 长沙 410006



hybrid medium ricevarietyscreeningChangsha County

《作物研究》 2024 (001)

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