

Comprehensive Evaluation of Adaptability of 25 Millet Varieties


为了筛选适宜在兴安盟种植的谷子品种,为兴安盟谷子新品种引种与选育提供参考,以 25 份来自不同产区的谷子品种为材料,利用相关性分析、主成分分析、聚类分析方法对参试品种的 6 个性状进行综合评价.结果表明:6 个性状的变异系数表现为产量>单穗粒质量>单穗质量>穗长>株高>生育期;单穗质量、单穗粒质量、穗长与产量呈显著正相关,株高、生育期与产量呈负相关.在欧氏距离为 10 处可将 25 个谷子品种聚类为 4 大类群,第Ⅰ类群植株较高,穗较短,单穗质量和单穗粒质量小,产量低,不能正常成熟;第Ⅱ类群植株高度适中,穗较长,单穗质量和单穗粒质量较大,产量较高、生育期较短;第Ⅲ类群植株矮秆、穗较短、单穗质量和单穗粒质量小、产量稍低、生育期较长;第Ⅳ类群植株较高,穗较长,单穗质量和单穗粒质量中等,产量中等,生育期适中.综合分析,适合在本地区种植的品种有嫩选 18、嫩选 15、张杂谷 13 号、朝谷 58、豫谷 35 等.

In order to screen the millet varieties suitable for planting in Xing'an League,and to provide reference for the in-troduction and breeding of new millet varieties for this area,25 introduced millet varieties from different producing areas were used as materials.The six characters of the tested varieties were evaluated comprehensively by means of correlation a-nalysis,principal component analysis and cluster analysis.The results showed that the coefficient of variation of six charac-ters was yield>grain quality per ear>ear quality>ear length>plant height>growth period,and there was a significant positive correlation between ear quality,grain quality per ear,ear length and yield,and a negative correlation between plant height,growth period and yield.25 millet varieties can be clustered into 4 groups at Euclidean distance of 10.Group Ⅰ has higher plant,shorter ear,smaller spike and grain weight per ear,lower yield and can not mature normally.Group Ⅱ has moderate plant,longer ear,higher grain quality per ear,higher yield and shorter growth period.The plant of group Ⅲ is short,the ear is short,the weight of single ear and grain per ear is small,the yield is slightly lower,the growth period is lon-ger,the plant of group IV is higher,the ear is longer,the quality of single ear and grain per ear is medium,the yield is me-dium,and the growth period is moderate.According to the comprehensive evaluation combined with the above analysis methods,the varieties suitable for planting in this area are Nenxuan 18,Nenxuan 15,Zhangzagu 13,Chaogu 58,Yugu 35 and so on.


兴安盟农牧科学研究所,内蒙古 乌兰浩特 137400



milletvarietycomprehensive evaluationagronomic traitsadaptabilitycorrelation analysis

《作物研究》 2024 (001)

55-62 / 8

