

Study on the preparation process and determination of key components of Shu Xin Jie Yu Granules


目的:对舒心解郁颗粒的制备工艺进行研究,采用高效液相色谱法同时测定舒心解郁颗粒中7种成分的方法,以期为舒心解郁颗粒质量评价与临床应用提供科学依据.方法:采用正交试验优选处方中药材的煎煮工艺,以浸出率为指标,优选提取工艺.对辅料、药辅比、润湿剂及干燥温度进行考察,优选成型工艺.同时采用HPLC法测定制剂中洋川芎内酯Ⅰ、阿魏酸、斯皮诺素、芍药苷、3,5-O-二咖啡酰基奎宁酸、绿原酸、没食子酸的含量.结果:确定最优提取工艺:加入12倍量水,每次40 min,提取3次.成型工艺:用糊精作辅料,药辅比1∶1.8,80%乙醇作为润湿剂,65℃干燥.采用优选的制备工艺生产6批舒心解郁颗粒,建立成品中洋川芎内酯Ⅰ、阿魏酸、斯皮诺素、芍药苷、3,5-O-二咖啡酰基奎宁酸、绿原酸、没食子酸含量测定方法,测定舒心解郁颗粒成分含量.结论:该研究建立的舒心解郁颗粒制备工艺稳定合理、成型率高,为大批量生产舒心解郁颗粒提供了切实可行的方法,且本研究建立的含量测定方法,具有操作简便,重复性和稳定性好等特点,可为舒心解郁颗粒及相似的中药复方制剂的质量控制研究提供借鉴.

Objective:To study the preparation process of Shu Xin Jie Yu Granules.A method utilizing high-performance liquid chromatography has been adopted to determine the seven components in the Shu Xin Jie Yu Granules.This approach estab-lishes a scientific basis for quality evaluation and clinical application.Methods:The Orthogonal Test was used to optimize the ex-traction process of prescription Chinese medicinal materials,taking the leaching rate as an index.The molding process was also op-timized by investigating the excipients,drug-to-excipient ratio,wetting agent,and drying temperature.The HPLC method was used to determine the presence of Senkyunolide I,Ferulic Acid,Spironolactone,Paeoniflorin,3,5-O-Dicaffeoylquinic Acid,Chlorogenic Acid,and Gallic Acid within the preparation.Results:The optimal extraction process was determined by adding 12 times the amount of water for 40 minutes each time and extracting three times.For the molding process,dextrin was used as an ex-cipient in a 1:1.8 drug-to-excipient ratio.To act as a wetting agent,80%ethanol was used,and drying was carried out at 65℃.The preferred preparation process yielded six batches of Shu Xin Jie Yu Granules.A method was also developed for ascertaining the quantities of Senkyunolide I,Ferulic Acid,Spironolactone,Paeoniflorin,3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic Acid,Chlorogenic Acid,and Gallic Acid present in the end-products,as well as for determining the index constituents found in the Granules.Conclusion:The process of preparing Shu Xin Jie Yu Granules,as established by this study,is stable and reasonable,with a high success rate of molding.This method is practical for the mass production of the Shu Xin Jie Yu Granules.The content determination method de-veloped through this study is simple,reproducible,and reliable,providing a reference for quality control studies on Shu Xin Jie Yu Granules and similar traditional Chinese medicine compound preparations.


安徽中医药大学药学院,安徽 合肥 230012安徽中医药大学药学院,安徽 合肥 230012||省部共建安徽道地中药材品质提升协同创新中心,安徽 合肥 230012||安徽省乡村振兴协同技术服务中心,安徽 合肥 230012||安徽省现代中药产业共性技术研究中心,安徽 合肥 230012||药物制剂技术与应用安徽省重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230012||安徽省中医药研究院中药资源保护与开发研究所,安徽 合肥 230012安徽中医药大学附属太和中医院,安徽 太和 236600安徽医科大学第一附属医院药剂科,安徽 合肥 230022



Shu Xin Jie Yu GranulesProcess optimizationIndex ingredientsExtraction contentsOrthogonal experi-ments

《海南医学院学报》 2024 (006)

413-420 / 8

This study was supported by Anhui Red Cross Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance,Innovation and Development Research Project Fund(2021ZYYB23),Research Fund Project of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine(2021LCTH07),Anhui Provincial Science and Technology Major Special Fund(202103a07020001) 安徽省红十字会中医药传承创新发展研究项目基金(2021ZYYB23);安徽省中医药大学科研基金项目(2021LCTH07);安徽省科技重大专项项目基金(202103a07020001)

