

Incidence trend and spatial distribution characteristic of pulmonary tuber-culosis in China from 2004 to 2021


目的:探讨2004 至2021 年中国肺结核发病的流行趋势和空间分布特征,为制定区域化肺结核防治措施提供参考.方法:通过公共卫生科学数据中心和《中国卫生健康统计年鉴》收集2004 至2021 年肺结核发病数据资料,应用空间自相关及冷热点分析等方法分析肺结核流行趋势和空间聚集特征.结果:2004 至 2021 年,中国肺结核发病总体呈现逐年下降趋势,空间上呈西高东低、南高北低的态势.全局Moran's I指数从2005 年的0.262 逐年增大,2020 年达到最大值0.522.局部空间自相关分析结果显示,2004 至2008 年四川、贵州、湖南、广西等地呈"高-高"聚集特征,2009 至2011 年西藏和广西呈"高-高"聚集特征,2012 至 2019 年西藏和新疆呈"高-高"聚集特征,2020 至2021 年,除新疆和西藏外,云南和广西也呈现"高-高"聚集特征.2004 至2021 年"低-低"聚集集中在华北和华东地区.中国肺结核年均发病率热点区域为新疆、西藏和云南;冷点区域有北京、河北、山东、江苏等 15 个.结论:中国肺结核发病率不断下降,但空间聚集特征显著,应加强对新疆、西藏等热点区域的卫生资源配置.

Aim:To explore incidence trend and spatial distribution characteristic of pulmonary tuberculosis in China from 2004 to 2021 and to provide evidence for formulating regional pulmonary tuberculosis prevention and control measures.Methods:Data on incidences of pulmonary tuberculosis from 2004 to 2021 were extracted from the Public Health Science Data Center and"Chinese Healthy Statistical Yearbook".Spatial auto-correlation analysis and hot-cold spots analysis were used to explore epidemic trend and spatial clustering characteristic of pulmonary tuberculosis in China.Results:The overall incidence rate of pulmonary tuberculosis in China presented a decreasing trend year by year.In space,the regional incidence rates showed a trend with higher rate in the western regions,lower rate in the eastern regions,higher rate in the southern re-gions and lower rate in the northern regions.Global Moran's I coefficient increased year by year from 0.262 in 2005 and reached the maximum value of 0.522 in 2020.Local spatial auto-correlation analysis results showed that"high-high"cluste-ring characteristic was identified in Sichuan,Guizhou,Hunan,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region(Guangxi)and other re-gions from 2004 to 2008;"high-high"clustering characteristic was just found in Xizang Autonomous Region(Xizang)and Guangxi between 2009 and 2011;"high-high"clustering characteristic was recognized in Xizang and Xinjiang Uygur Auton-omous Region(Xinjiang)between 2012 and 2019;Except Xinjiang and Xizang,Yunnan and Guangxi appeared"high-high"clustering characteristic from 2020 to 2021;"low-low"clustering characteristic was concentrated in North and East China from 2004 to 2021.The hot spots for the average annual incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis were observed in Xinjiang,Xi-zang and Yunnan,whereas the cold spots were observed in 15 regions,mainly distributing in Beijing,Hebei,Shandong,Jian-gsu and other places.Conclusions:Though the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis is continuously declining in China,spa-tial clustering characteristics become significantly obvious.Health resources allocation needs to be strengthened in hot areas such as Xinjiang,Xizang.


郑州大学公共卫生学院社会医学与卫生事业管理学教研室 郑州 450001鹤壁市传染病医院感染科 河南鹤壁 458000



pulmonary tuberculosisincidencespatial distributionclustering characteristic

《郑州大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (002)

274-279 / 6

