首页|期刊导航|古地理学报|云南保山红岩剖面诺利期牙形石Mockina slovakensis的发现及其对沉积环境的指示

云南保山红岩剖面诺利期牙形石Mockina slovakensis的发现及其对沉积环境的指示OA北大核心CSTPCD

Discovery of the Norian conodont Mockina slovakensis in Hongyan section of Baoshan area,Yunnan Province and its indication to sedimentary environment


Mockina slovakensis是晚三叠世诺利期一个重要的牙形石属种,除了具有重要的地层学作用之外,它还能够指示特殊的沉积环境.本次研究在云南保山红岩剖面上三叠统大水塘组下段灰岩中发现了大量牙形石M.slovakensis,其在地层中占据统治地位,据此将研究层位的时代限定为晚三叠世诺利期Alaunian晚期.有记录表明,当M.slovakensis在地层中占据统治地位时,往往指示出一种较为局限的沉积环境.综合此次研究在保山红岩剖面发现的大量占统治地位的M.slovakensis牙形石以及前人对保山地块大水塘组沉积环境研究的结果,推测在诺利期Alaunian晚期,保山地区应为拉张背景下形成的较为局限的沉积盆地.该研究成果有助于进一步了解晚三叠世特提斯东部的沉积环境演化.

Mockina slovakensis is one of the important species of conodont in Norian period.It plays a significant role in stratigraphy and acts as an indication for certain distinctive sedimentary environments.In this study,a significant abundance of conodont species M.slovakensis was discovered in the limestone de-posits located in the lower parts of the Dashuitang Formation in the Hongyan section of Baoshan,Yunnan.Based on the conodont biostratigraphy,the age of the sedimentary strata in this section has been con-strained to the late Alaunian of Norian period.Its presence and abundance can provide valuable insights in-to the paleoenvironmental conditions and depositional settings.M.slovakensis is known for strong adaptabil-ity to a diverse living environments,including both shallow and deep oceanic environment,as well as re-stricted sea to open sea.However,various records indicate that M.slovakensis conodont indicates the re-stricted depositional environment.Considering the abundance of dominant M.slovakensis found in the Hongyan section of Baoshan,combined with previous studies on the sedimentary environment of the Dashuitang Formation in the Baoshan block,it is reasonable to conclude that the Baoshan area formed a restricted sedimentary basin during the Alaunian stage under a tectonic stretching setting.The results are helpful for understanding the evolution of the sedimentary environment during the Late Triassic period in eastern Tethys.


成都理工大学沉积地质研究院,四川成都 610059成都理工大学沉积地质研究院,四川成都 610059||成都理工大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,四川成都 610059



NorianLate TriassicconodontDashuitang Formationrestricted basin

《古地理学报》 2024 (002)

373-386 / 14

国家自然科学基金(编号:42302131),成都理工大学沉积地质研究院创新人才培养基金项目和同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室开放基金(编号:MG201903)联合资助.[Co-funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(No.42302131),the Innovative Talent De-velopment Fund of Institute of Sedimentary Geology,Chengdu University of Technology,and the Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology,Tongji University(No.MG201903)]

