

Effects of Rare High Temperature and Drought on Growth of Myrica rubra



Through the observation and analysis of temperature,light and water meteorological conditions of Myrica rubra in Cixi City,Zhejiang Province,during the growth period in 2022/2023,the sustained influence of especially rare high temperature and drought in midsummer of 2022 and the subsequent weather on growth of Myrica rubra was studied.The results showed that rare high temperature and drought in midsummer not only led to the wilting of Myrica rubra leaves and the death of a lot of young Myrica rubra plants in that year,but also seriously inhibited flower bud differentiation and the growth of summer shoots.After the drought was over,a large number of autumn shoots further affected the flower bud differentiation and nutrient accumulation,resulting in the development of weak flower buds and the formation of a large number of autumn fruits.If high temperatures is met at the end of the harvest,a large number of autumn fruits will be soft and rotting or fall off.In order to effectively defend against high temperature and drought on the hazards of Myrica rubra,the corresponding countermeasures were put forward.


慈溪市气象局,浙江 慈溪 315300仙居县气象局,浙江 仙居 317300浙江蓝天气象科技有限公司,浙江 杭州 310017中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司 宁波分公司,浙江 宁波 315300



Myrica rubraZhejiang ProvinceHigh temperature and droughtCountermeasureGrowth

《江西农业学报》 2024 (001)

102-106 / 5


