

Questionnaire Survey on General Medicine and Pre-hospital First Aid Knowledge Among People in Ludian County,Yunnan Province


目的 探究云南省鲁甸县居民对全科医学、全科医生以及院前急救相关知识的认知情况以及态度,了解居民对于该类相关知识更易接受的培训学习方法,并对此提出针对性的解决方法.方法 通过电子问卷、纸质问卷 2 种形式,对 2022 年 10 月 15 日至 2022 年 12 月 30 日期间菜市场门口核酸采集处以及 2023 年 01 月01 日至 2023 年 02 月 28 日期间文屏街道卫生院门诊就诊人员,进行完全随机抽样调查.结果 云南省鲁甸县城区接近 50%的居民对全科医学、院前急救相关知识非常欠缺,尤其是对电除颤相关知识;高学历及医学类职业人群对全科医学的了解程度更高,并且对全科医学了解程度越高的人群更愿意参与到院前急救中,平均Ridit值:很熟悉全科医学(0.774)>了解部分全科医学(0.565)>完全没听过全科医学(0.400);学历越高、对全科医学了解程度越全面在参与院前急救方面呈正向影响,B值分别为 0.624、0.619,OR值 95%CI分别为1.867(1.544~2.257),1.857(1.298~2.657);以医务人员作为参照,医学生的B值 = 0.942,P = 0.234,差异不显著,非医学类职业人群B值均<0,呈负向影响.且大部分居民对院前急救的学习态度积极,有超过接近70%的居民愿意进行院前急救相关知识的学习及培训.结论 云南省鲁甸县城区居民对全科医学的了解程度差,对全科医生的认可度不高,对全科医生的需求低,对院前急救的重要性认知欠缺.因不同人群认知存在差异,所以需要对不同人群进行分类别的针对性培训.

Objective To explore the public's cognition and attitude towards general medicine,general practitioners,and pre-hospital first-aid knowledge in Ludian County,Yunnan Province,to find out the training and learning methods that are more acceptable to the public for this kind of related knowledge,and to propose targeted solutions.Methods A complete random sampling survey was conducted among the nucleic acid collection office at the gate of the vegetable market from October 15,2022,to December 30,2022,and the outpatient clinic of Wenping Street Health Center from January 1,2023,to February 28,2023,by using electronic questionnaire and paper questionnaire.Results Nearly 50%of the people in Ludian County of Yunnan Province lack the knowledge of general medicine and pre-hospital emergency care,especially the knowledge of electrical defibrillation.People with higher education and the medical profession have a higher understanding of general medicine,and people with a higher understanding of general medicine are more willing to participate in pre-hospital emergency care.The average Ridit value is:very familiar with general medicine(0.774)>Knowledge of some general practices(0.565)>Never heard of general practice(0.400).The higher education level and the more comprehensive understanding of general medicine had a positive impact on participation in pre-hospital emergency care,with B values of 0.624 and 0.619,OR 95%CI of 1.867(1.544~2.257)and 1.857(1.298~2.657),respectively.Taking medical staff as a reference,the B value of medical students was = 0.942,P = 0.234,the difference was not significant,and the B value of non-medical professional population was all less than 0,the effect is negative.In addition,most people have a positive attitude towards learning pre-hospital first aid,and more than 70%of people are willing to learn and train related knowledge of pre-hospital first aid.Conclusions People in urban areas of Ludian County,Yunnan Province have poor understanding of general practice,low recognition of general practitioners,low demand for general practitioners,and lack of awareness of the importance of pre-hospital emergency treatment.Because of the cognitive differences among different groups,it is necessary to conduct specific training for different groups.


昆明医科大学第一附属医院老年ICU,云南 昆明 650032云南省第一人民医院急诊内科,云南 昆明 650034黄河三门峡医院ICU/CCU,河南 三门峡 472000



General practiceGeneral practitionersCardiopulmonary resuscitationElectrical defibrillationCognitive status

《昆明医科大学学报》 2024 (003)

118-126 / 9


