

Discussion on Optimal Price of Farmland Transfer for Rice Farmers in Shaanxi Province under Dual Objectives Based on Perspective of Farmland Output and Production Profit Maximization



Based on the questionnaire survey data of rice farmers transferring farmland in Shaanxi Province,an input-output model and a production profit model were constructed by the Translog production function.This article conducted empirical research on the price effect of rice farmers transferring farmland from two dimensions:output and profit,analyze the effect of land transfer price on the yield level and profit of rice farmers,and determined the optimal price for rice farmers'transferring farmland under the dual goals of maximizing agricultural land output and production profit.The results show that:(1)The farmland transaction price of 0~1500 yuan/hm2 is taken as the reference item,and the output level of rice farmers significantly increases when the farmland transaction price is between 7500~10500 yuan/hm2.(2)When the farmland transaction price ranges from 7500~10500 yuan/hm2,their profit level shows a significant increase.When the farmland transaction price ranges from 10500~13500 yuan/hm2,their profit level begins to show a significant decline.(3)Considering the dual goals of maximizing output and maximizing profits,the optimal price for rice farmers to transfer is between 7500~10500 yuan/hm2.In conclusion,in the process of promoting the transfer of farmland in China,we should grasp the selection criteria of agricultural land transfer price from the perspective of farmers'economic benefits,national food security,rural social stability and marketization of agricultural land transfer,so as to improve the efficiency of agricultural land transfer,safeguard farmers'rights and interests and guarantee China's food security.


商洛学院,陕西 商洛 726000



Output levelProfitFarmland transfer rentTranslog production functionRice farmers

《江西农业学报》 2024 (001)

194-199 / 6


