

Relationship between Forest Layer Community Structure and Productivity of Broad-Leaved Korean Pine Forest in Changbai Mountain


[目的]探究长白山阔叶红松林不同林层群落结构与林分生产力的关系,分析林分生产力的影响因素,为温带森林的恢复与可持续经营提供科学依据.[方法]基于长白山自然保护区阔叶红松林 40 hm2 固定监测样地2年(2014和 2019年)植被调查数据,以样地内胸径(DBH)≥5 cm的木本植物为对象,根据胸径将阔叶红松林群落划分为优势木层、亚优势木层、中等木层和被压木层,运用R4.0.3软件计算各林层物种多样性、结构多样性和林分密度,与生产力进行相关性分析并构建结构方程模型,探讨不同林层物种多样性、结构多样性和林分密度对生产力的影响.[结果]1)林分密度与生产力显著正相关(P<0.05),且相关关系随林层上升而下降.2)Pearson相关性分析结果显示,生产力与代表物种组成α多样性的香农威纳指数显著正相关(P<0.05),且随林层上升相关关系减弱;反之,代表物种组成β多样性的香农熵指数与生产力存在显著负相关(P<0.05),但该相关关系在中等木层和亚优势木层不显著.此外,物种均匀度指数与生产力显著负相关(P<0.05),相关系数随林层上升先增大后减小;胸高断面积基尼系数和胸径均匀度指数与生产力显著负相关(P<0.05),且该相关关系随林层上移而减弱,在优势木层与生产力无显著相关性.胸径香农威纳指数与生产力呈显著正相关(P<0.05),且随林层上移相关关系降低,相关系数由 0.44降至 0.31.3)不同林层林分密度对生产力均有显著影响(P<0.001),且随林层上升其作用强度逐渐降低,路径系数由 0.59降至 0.27;物种多样性在被压木层和中等木层对生产力有显著正向作用(P<0.05),在优势木层和亚优势木层对生产力无显著影响;结构多样性在被压木层和中等木层通过作用于物种多样性和林分密度间接影响林分生产力,在优势木层和亚优势木层则直接作用于林分生产力.[结论]各林层林分密度对生产力均有显著影响(P<0.05),且随林层上升对生产力的作用强度逐渐降低,群落物种多样性和结构多样性对生产力的作用方向和强弱在不同林层表现各异.深入探讨不同林层物种多样性和结构多样性以及其如何影响森林生产力,在现代森林经营管理中尤为重要.

[Objective]By examining the relationship between the stand productivity and community structure,and analyze the factors affecting stand productivity in different forest layers of a broad-leaved Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis)mixed forest community in Changbai Mountain,the purpose of this study is to build a scientific foundation for the restoration and sustainable management of temperate forests.[Method]Using vegetation survey data from a 40 hm2 fixed monitoring sample plots of broad-leaved Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve in 2014 and 2019,we selected woody plants with diameter at breast height(DBH)≥5 cm from the sample plot as the object.The stand was divided into four layers,namely the dominant layer,the subdominant layer,the medium layer and the pressed layer,using the interval of 10 cm breast diameter.We used the Pearson correlation to analyze the relationship among species diversity,stand density,structure diversity,and productivity factors;a structural equation model using productivity as the response variable was developed to investigate the effects of species diversity,structural diversity and stand density on productivity.[Result]1)There was a significantly positive correlation between stand density and productivity(P<0.05),and it declined as the rise of forest layers.2)The analysis of the Pearson correlation shows that the species of Shannon-Wiener index is significantly positive(P<0.05),and the correlation of the correlation of the forest rising has weakened.Conversely,there is a significant negative(P<0.05)correlation between the Sorensen index that represents β diversity,but this correlation is not significant in the medium wood layer and the Asian advantage wood layer.In addition,the species Pielou index and productivity are significantly negative(P<0.05).And the correlation coefficients increase with the rise of the forest and decrease;DBH Gini index and DBH Pielou are significantly negative with productivity,and this correlation weakens with the upper forest layer,and has no significant correlation with the productivity in the superior wood layer.The DBH Shannon-Wiener index is significantly positively(P<0.05)correlated with productivity,and the correlation between the upper forest movement is reduced,and the correlation coefficient is reduced from 0.44 to 0.31.3)In different forest layers,he stand density had a significant impact on productivity(P<0.001),and its action intensity gradually decreased with the rise of forest layers,and the path coefficient dropped from 0.59 to 0.27.Species diversity had a significant positive(P<0.05)effect on productivity in the pressed and medium layers,but had no effect on productivity in the dominant and subdominant layers;structural diversity indirectly affected stand productivity in the pressed and medium wood layers by acting on species diversity and stand density,and directly affected stand productivity in the dominant and subdominant wood layers.[Conclusion]To summarize,the study shows that stand density had a significant effect on productivity in each forest layer(P<0.05),and the intensity of action gradually decreased as the forest layer increased.The direction and intensity of the influence of species diversity and community structure on productivity differ across forest layers.Therefore,in the practice of forest production and management of forest resources,the relationship between forest structural characteristics at different vertical spatial scales of forest layers and forest productivity should be fully considered.


北京林业大学国家林业和草原局森林经营工程技术研究中心 北京 100089新疆干旱区林业生态与产业技术重点实验室 乌鲁木齐 830052



broad-leaved Korean pine forestdifferent forest layersproductivitycommunity structurespecies diversity

《林业科学》 2024 (003)

57-64 / 8


