


针对农村生活污水进水量波动引起的农污处理站点生化系统污泥问题,以江苏省某农村污水处理项目为例,对进水智能调控技术在农村污水治理中的应用进行评估.实验结果表明,该技术的应用对水量、水质、污泥质量浓度均起到很好的调节作用.应用智能调控技术后,进水的每日时变化系数由原来的 15 降至 3 以下,出水水质稳定达标,调控 3 个月后,农污处理站点生化系统污泥质量浓度上涨 12%.该工程案例的改造可为农村污水治理工程的智慧运营提供可推广的解决方案.

This paper aims at the problem of sludge in biochemical system of rural sewage treatment station caused by the fluctuation of rural domestic sewage influent.Taking a rurwal sewage treatment project in Jiangsu Province as an example,the application of intelligent control technology of inflow water in rural sewage treatment was evaluated.The results of the experiment show that the application of this technology plays a good role in regulating the amount of water,the quality of water and the mass concentration of sludge.The daily variation coefficient of influent decreased from the original 15 to less than 3,the effluent water quality was stable,and after 3 months of regulation the sludge mass concentration increased by 12%.The reconstruction of this project case can provide a scalable solution for the intelligent operation of rural sewage treatment projects.


中建智能技术有限公司,北京 100037南京大学 环境学院 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,南京 210023中建生态环境集团有限公司,北京 100037



sewage treatmentwater intelligent controlstable operationstable water qualitysolution

《科技创新与应用》 2024 (010)

75-78 / 4

