

Construction of participatory art therapy intervention scheme for cervical cancer patients and their spouses based on Dyadic Coping Theory


目的 基于二元应对理论构建宫颈癌患者夫妻参与式绘画疗法干预方案,旨在缓解宫颈癌患者夫妻的心理压力并改善亲密关系.方法 通过文献回顾、小组讨论拟定方案草案,选取 20名专家开展 2轮函询对草案进行修订形成初稿,开展预试验进一步完善形成终稿,在82对宫颈癌患者夫妻中进行验证.结果 专家函询权威系数为 0.91、第 2轮函询肯德尔协调系数W为 0.316(P<0.001),每个条目适用性评分>4.6分,变异系数<0.14.该方案最终形成以自我了解、彼此表达、感动的事、回首岁月、夫妻同心、携手同行为主题的6场干预,2组宫颈癌患者夫妻在干预前、干预 3场后、干预结束后的心理压力、二元应对、婚姻调适得分时间效应、交互效应、组间效应均有统计学意义(P<0.001).结论 基于二元应对理论构建的宫颈癌患者夫妻参与式绘画疗法干预方案,充分考虑了宫颈癌患者夫妻的心理状态及专家意见,具有较好的科学性、实用性和临床意义,能够为宫颈癌患者夫妻缓解心理压力、改善亲密关系提供临床参考.

Objective To construct a participatory art therapy intervention scheme based on dyadic coping theory to alleviate the psychological pressure of cervical cancer patients and their spouses and improve the relationship.Methods The draft plan was developed through literature review and group discussion,and 20 experts were invited to conduct two rounds of letter consultation to revise the draft scheme,and pre-experiments were carried out to form the final scheme,which was verified in 82 cervical cancer patients and their spouses.Results The authority coefficient of expert correspondence was 0.91,and the Kendall coordination coefficient W of the second round of correspondence 0.316(P<0.001).The applicability score of each item was>4.6,and the coefficient of variation<0.14.The final scheme comprised six structured sessions,each centered around the following core themes:self-awareness,open dialogue and mutual understanding,reminiscence involving sentimental artifacts,retrospection on their shared life experiences,and continued solidarity and support.The time effect,interaction effect,and intergroup effect of psychological stress,dyadic coping,marital adjustment score of the two groups were found statistically significant before the intervention,after three intervention sessions,and at the end of the intervention(P<0.001).Conclusion The intervention scheme of participatory art therapy for cervical cancer patients and their spouses based on dyadic coping theory fully considers the psychological status of cervical cancer patients and their spouses and expert opinions.It is scientific and practical,and provides clinical reference to relieve psychological pressure and improve intimate relationship between cervical cancer patients and their spouses.


安徽医科大学 护理学院,安徽 合肥 230601||安徽省肿瘤医院,安徽 合肥 230000安徽省肿瘤医院,安徽 合肥 230000安徽医科大学 护理学院,安徽 合肥 230601||安徽医科大学第一附属医院,安徽 合肥 2300323||安徽省公共卫生临床中心,安徽 合肥 230032



art therapyart healingdyadic copingcervical cancerintimate relationshipmental nursing

《护理学报》 2024 (005)

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中华护理学会 2021年度立项科研课题(ZHKYQ2021 03);2021年安徽省护理学会科研课题立项重点项目(AHHLa202105)

