

Effects of Different Magnesium Application Amounts on Photosynthetic Characteristics,Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield of Peanut in Red Soil


为探究施用镁肥(Mg)对红壤土花生生长和产量的影响,本研究以花育 25 为供试花生品种,通过盆栽试验,设置 0、0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4 g/kg(Mg0、Mg1、Mg2、Mg3、Mg4)5 个镁肥水平,研究不同施镁水平对不同生育时期花生的叶绿素含量、光合特性、镁含量、干物质积累量及成熟期荚果产量的影响.结果表明,一定范围内施用镁肥对花生全生育期的生长和产量均有明显影响,开花下针期、结荚期和成熟期植株叶片叶绿素含量均以Mg2 处理最高;开花下针期Mg2 处理花生叶片净光合速率、胞间二氧化碳浓度和气孔导度明显高于其他处理;结荚期和成熟期,与Mg0 处理相比,Mg2 处理荚果干物质积累量分别提高 16.4%和 18.9%,成熟期单株产量和单株饱果数分别增加 15.2%和 66.5%.继续增加镁肥施用量至 0.3~0.4 g/kg,则明显抑制花生生长.综上,本试验条件下,花育 25 适宜镁肥施用量为 0.2 g/kg.

In order to study the influences of magnesium(Mg)to peanut growth and yield in red soil,the pot experiment was conducted with Huayu 25 as test variety by setting five Mg levels(Mg0:0 g/kg;Mg1:0.1 g/kg;Mg2:0.2 g/kg;Mg3:0.3 g/kg;Mg4:0.4 g/kg).The chlorophyll content,photosynthetic characteristics,Mg content,dry matter accumulation and pod yield at maturity stage of peanut were analyzed.The results showed that the growth and yield of peanut were obviously affected by the application of Mg fertiliz-er in a certain range during the whole growth period.The chlorophyll content reached the maximum under Mg2 treatment at flowering and peg forming stage,pod setting stage and maturity stage.At flowering and peg form-ing stage,the net photosynthetic rate,intercellular carbon dioxide concentration and stomatal conductance un-der Mg2 treatment were significantly higher than those of the other treatments.At pod setting stage and maturity stage,compared to Mg0 treatment,the dry matter accumulation under Mg2 treatment increased by 16.4% and 18.9% ,respectively,and the yield and full pod number per plant increased by 15.2% and 66.5% at maturity stage.Increasing Mg application amount to 0.3~0.4 g/kg(Mg3 and Mg4)made a significant negative effect on peanut growth.Comprehensively considering all the characters,the suitable Mg fertilizer application amount for Huayu 25 peanut in red soil was 0.2 g/kg in the experiment conditions.


山东省农业科学院农作物种质资源研究所,山东 济南 250100



PeanutMagnesium fertilizerRed soilChlorophyll contentPhotosynthetic characteristicsDry matter accumulationYield

《山东农业科学》 2024 (003)

86-91 / 6


