

Daily Thinking Dimension for Forging the Sense of Community for Chinese Nation:Narrative Diagram,Theoretical Reflection and Generative Approaches



The sense of community for Chinese nation has always been the common sense of people of all ethnic groups,vividly reflecting the important position of daily thinking in the sense of community for Chinese nation.Tradition-al sense is based on a kind of"tacit cognition"daily thinking,which has two kinds of everyday thinking schema:experien-tial thinking and customary thinking.Due to its incomplete worldview,since modern times,the reductionist thinking of"one nation,one country"has relied on the dominant position of scientific rationality,greatly impacting the core position of the traditional"diverse and integrated"dialectical thinking of the Chinese nation in both daily and non daily life fields.Starting from the scientific thinking of daily life,through three paths of the historical precipitation of community thinking,non daily life oriented of daily community thinking and the popularization of scientific community thinking,this study pro-foundly reveals the rule of transformation of the sense of the community for Chinese nation from collective unconscious-ness to collective consciousness and then to collective subconsciousness and collective unconsciousness.By using scientif-ic daily thinking to establishes the inherent psychological structure of community cognition and way of thinking of the people of all ethnic groups,so as to realize the purpose of forging the sense of community for the Chinese nation.


新疆大学 马克思主义学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046



Daily ThinkingDialectical ThinkingPluralistic IntegrationChinese Path to Modernization

《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024 (002)

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