

2024 Consensus Guidelines on Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic Pain Management Among Practicing Pain Physicians in China and the United States


脊髓电刺激(spinal cord stimulation,SCS)是一种新兴的神经调控疗法,近年来在慢性疼痛治疗中发挥了重要作用.为进一步规范、优化SCS在慢性疼痛管理中的应用,同时为疼痛科医生提供SCS治疗相关的最新循证医学证据与建议,2024 中美SCS管理慢性疼痛共识工作组参考RIGHT指南制定方法,对SCS在慢性疼痛管理领域的文献进行系统回顾,并结合最新研究证据,在SCS适应证与禁忌证,患者选择、筛查及宣教,测试期与植入期注意事项,并发症及其处理方法等方面达成了一致意见,形成《脊髓电刺激管理慢性疼痛中美专家共识(2024)》.本共识根据美国预防服务工作组分级指南,给出了相应的净获益证据等级和推荐强度,为SCS在慢性疼痛治疗中的应用提供了最新依据.

In recent years,Spinal Cord Stimulation(SCS)has emerged as a pivotal intervention in chronic pain management.The judicious utilization of SCS is paramount for effective clinical outcomes.The 2024 Consensus Working Group on SCS Management of Chronic Pain,spanning experts from China and the United States,undertook a comprehensive literature review guided by the RIGHT framework.This review ad-dressed SCS's role in chronic pain management,focusing on indications and contraindications,patient selec-tion processes,education,considerations during trial and implantation phases,and strategies for managing complications.Leveraging the United States Preventive Services Task Force's grading guidelines,this consen-sus offers evidence-based recommendations aimed at enhancing SCS application in chronic pain management.This guideline seeks to equip pain physicians across all levels with the most current evidence,thereby refining SCS practices for optimal patient outcomes.


南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院疼痛科,南京 210008克利夫兰医学中心疼痛科,美国俄亥俄州 OH44195



spinal cord stimulationneuromodulationchronic pain managementneuropathic painexpert consensus

《协和医学杂志》 2024 (002)

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国家卫生健康委科学研究基金(WKJ-ZJ-2404);浙江省科技厅领雁研发攻关计划(2022C03081);四川省科技计划(2023ZYD0168) National Health Commission Scientific Research Fund(WKJ-ZJ-2404);Zhejiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology Leading Research and Development Program(2022C03081);Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Program Funding(2023ZYD0168)

