

Identification of Thrust of Ship Propulsion Shaft by Kalman Filter and Strain Signal


在线、实时、准确监测舰船螺旋桨推力对船-机-桨匹配设计、舰船快速性预报及推进轴系健康管理等具有重要意义.然而,受轴系振动及环境干扰等测量噪声影响,螺旋桨推力产生的微弱应变信号易被测量噪声淹没,导致难以准确测量推力.当前,一些常用的信号降噪方法,比如傅里叶变换、小波分析等均是基于纯数据降噪,未考虑测量数据中潜藏的力学机制.不同于这类降噪方法,Kalman滤波可同时考虑测量数据噪声及数据中的力学机制,对目标实现最小方差无偏估计,因而有更高的估计精度.因此,本文利用Kalman滤波结合应变测量信号提出一种螺旋桨推力高精度、在线辨识方法.以恒定转速、变转速及低频波动转速3种工况为例,研究了不同信噪比下本文方法的推力辨识精度与鲁棒性.研究表明,在信噪比仅为20 dB时,推力辨识最大相对误差仅为4.85%,因此本文方法在低信噪比下仍有很高的辨识精度与鲁棒性.同时,本文提出方法属于时域辨识方法,在转速突变、螺旋桨缠绕渔网等突发工况时亦能实时跟踪推力变化,因此可用于螺旋桨推力及轴系状态的在线、实时监测.

Online,real-time,and accurate monitoring of propeller thrust is of great significance to the hull-engine-propeller matching design,rapid prediction of the ship,and health management of the shaft.However,due to the influence of measurement noise such as shafting vibration,environmental interference,and so on,the weak strain signal generated by the propeller thrust is easily submerged by the measurement noise,which makes it difficult to measure the thrust accurately.Currently,some commonly used signal denoising methods,such as the Fourier analysis and the wavelet analysis,only consider the measurement data,without considering the mechanical mechanism hidden in the measured data.Unlike this kind of denoising method,the Kalman filter can consider both the measurement data and the mechanic's mechanism,thus realizing minimum-variance unbiased estimation.Therefore,it has higher estimation accuracy.In this study,a high-precision online identification method of propeller thrust is proposed using the Kalman filter and strain measurement signal.Taking the three working conditions of constant speed,variable speed and low frequency fluctuating speed as examples,the proposed method's thrust identification accuracy and robustness under different signal-to-noise ratios are studied.The research shows that when the signal-to-noise ratio is only 20 dB,the maximum relative error of thrust identification is only 4.85%.Hence,the proposed method still has high identification accuracy and robustness at a low signal-to-noise ratio.Besides,the method proposed in this paper belongs to the time domain identification method.It can track the thrust change in real time under sudden conditions,such as the sudden change of rotation speed and the twisting of the propeller with the fishing net,so it can be used for online and real-time monitoring of the propeller thrust and shafting state.


上海船舶设备研究所,上海 200031上海交通大学 机械系统与振动全国重点实验室,上海 200240



vibration and waveKalman filteringthrust identificationmeasurement of strainonline monitoring

《噪声与振动控制》 2024 (002)

32-36,43 / 6


